frogbellyratbone_ [e/em/eir, any]


  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2022


  • there’s so much to unpack here. the whole “just allow everything” is, with respect, incredibly dangerous and unfair.

    it’s dangerous because of how fucking dangerous these drugs are. case after case of athletes dying in their sleep, cancer, overdosing, roid raging, tainted blood doping, etc.

    it’s unfair because drug use doesn’t affect us all equally. for example, if my natural hematocrit is 35 and yours is 45, EPO or other blood doping will give me a HUGE advantage over you. there’s no way you’ll be able to compete with me. i’ve got tons of extra room to juice my veins with red blood that you don’t. the same for insulin, cortico, HGH, etc.

    The whole “it’s unfair whaaaa” thing sounds like some moralistic capitalist bullshit anyways.

    counterpoint: the “just allow it” sounds like rightwing libertarian nonsense. we have rules and regulations for very, very good reasons.

  • there’s mutual funds and ETFs that invest solely in ESG (environmental, social, and governance) funds. i honestly don’t know if it’s just marketing ploy or what but i know they’re a thing and might be worth looking into [edit: i looked into these. they’re a ploy. don’t buy these. it’s just S&P 500 shit with 4-10x the expense ratio]

    finance capitalism is all dirty and bad. 401ks + others are just a trick to make people care about the market when it literally ONLY helps rich ppl and no one else. best to just do a total market fund try not to think about it so much.

    hysa’s are worse imo. they take your money and gamble the ever living fuck out of it a million times over until the economy collapses.