This is the obvious answer to me. And door “one” just isn’t pictured.
I’m guessing just rooms 1 (not pictured), 2, and 3, purely for administrative purposes, because as gendering options this doesn’t make sense.
Republicanism is incompatible with being a healthy LGBTQ person. Incompatible.
Conservatism is the flawed ideology that inequality is preferable to progress.
They think they can change the fascists’ minds. And they share the same sentiments regarding trans people and are ecstatic to throw them to the wolves (i.e. deny them medical care, sentence trans women to rape in men’s prisons, ban them from athletics, bathrooms, gyms, and public life in general, and ultimately push them all to suicide). They are fundamentally broken people. The only thing I hate more than a Republican is an LGBTQ Republican.
Yes, let’s lose worse.
Without ranked choice voting, the only option is to fix it from within.
I appreciate you.
If you need somebody watching over your shoulder + the threat of damnation to be a good person, you’re not a good person.
This process is already able to be abused to swat people, and the conditions are horrible for the people being held. I’ve seen it as a MH worker. It’s not a hospital, it’s a jail. There is no treatment, only observation in cells. It’s deeply traumatizing and corrupt. Coercion to get people to sign into voluntary programs ($) in order to be released, or they extend their hold. The whole thing is a travesty.
LOTS of immigrants are anti-immigrant once they think they’ve made it in safely. Makes them feel better about themselves I guess.
Leave your leaves in autumn!
I carry a rolled up 1m paper tape from IKEA as well as miniature plastic vernier caliper in my purse! They are super handy and lightweight, highly recommended.