Gotcha. Less difficulty and more just not matching up with expectations.
Gotcha. Less difficulty and more just not matching up with expectations.
Less effort, too
How is Mastodon harder? (Legit question, not snark)
This is why the Annotated Pratchett File make for a good reading companion.
Fun fact! The farmers rely on this effect to supply supplemental meat in the growing season.
It’s literally life or death for the ants, so the solution is obvious. Incorrect weather predictions are now a capital crime.
I think it’s just called “The Fediverse”. :)
In your mind, the law dictates right and wrong?
That thing is going to weigh as much as a cadaver
Those shrimp are cool.
Yes, but the spec is intentionally flexible about some things, so a bit of work has to be done to ensure compatibility.
But also the cartel thing.
And the gov is apparently “protecting” us from solving this ourselves with black market eggs. Bootleggs?
There are a few Fediverse projects trying to recreate them:
I bet things would pick up in a no internet scenario.
Hey from another cishet in queer spaces. We just realize where the fun is. 😉
That movie is Terminal, with Tom Hanks.
I hope you don’t because stateless. I hear it’s usually much less pleasant than just airport shenanigans.
… Come to think of it, turning (parts of) airports into housing for people who have lost citizenship would be hella punk. Can we do that?
It’s all good. I just asked about your needs so I could give customised recommendations. :)
A popular option for folks that need exact spellings is Callendar’s Orthographic Shorthand. One of the /r/shorthand regulars digitized the instruction materials. It starts off as a simple alphabet replacement, then layers on more space and time savings. On the Fediverse, has been posting her take on it.
An easier and more compact option is Ponish. The manual is… eccentric, but the system is solid. It’s a modernized version of the 17th century Tachygraphy system by Thomas Shelton. Because no characters depend on size to differentiate, you can write as small as your hand will let you. There is a lower speed ceiling than “Orthic” unless you do some system development of your own. I’ve got ideas for improvement, but that gets into the weeds.
Two other options worth mentioning: Sweet’s Current & Schlam’s. They look and feel more like cursive. The former gets complex, but it’s uniquely beautiful. Both are available on /u/Filalethia’s comprehensive shorthand archive.
I’ll try to contain my jealousy over the ReMarkable. ;) I’ve wanted one for ages.
That’s the biggest problem with everyone doing the corporate socials’ enshittification cycles instead of POSSE and/or independent services. Cool communities just fracture and die.
I’ve tried to get people to see this for decades. Maybe it’ll finally enter the zeitgeist this go around.
I think so!
The difficulty depends on several things, but the easiest systems can be picked up enough to use in a few days to weeks.
I’ll try to put together an intro post this weekend. How would you rank these features?
Pickles is very cute. Very friend shaped.