I think “landlords are trash” is a fitting description regardless of nation.
Yeah, I figured it was a typo, but even the term strongman is far too romantized a term, they are just facist fucks and an insult to the word strong.
It reduces my hypertension, almost eliminates my psoriasis and generally improve my mood.
If it’s not a real country, then it cannot issue a citizenship, problem solved in my mind.
This will have zero impact on the Cheeto, its all fake news to him.
Today I’m embracing the philosophy of being idle.
Can we please find a better name than “strong man” for these fucking clowns? They wouldn’t recognize strength, even when it’s sitting right next to them in the oval office.
However certainly there is a future where, if Europe can pull together, they can defeat Russia.
Okay, but this time let’s not invade in winter and make sure we bring supplies.
Obviously, otherwise we’d be privateers, which is not even cool.
Well, no regulation means we can be space pirates and fuuuuck Google up.
Soon to come: fax support
Putting a local LLM into a product that doesn’t need it, just like other businesses do, is just one step too far for me. I hate this AI trend with a passion.
Seconded, the pushing AI trend is just off putting and is something that literally no-one asked for. It reminds me of that brief trend of 3D TVs.
Nice Musk/Göring caricature
How is that not illegal?
You’ll have to pry my pixel 4a out of my cold dead hands.
Fuck right off Netanyahu!
Thanks for posting who voted how. I really hate articles that say “18 countries opposed” and then fail to list which countries voted which way.
Jag tror det får bli efter förmåga. Det finns ju tyvärr många som inte har något annat val och fortfarande måste handla mat hos en matjätte.
Using comments as an excuse for writing shitty code.
Great read, thanks for sharing.