Hahaha I just tried to do a Canadian goul voice and… I think I broke trying to reconcile gravel with the long lyrical vowels of Canadian English. This may be why they haven’t done that yet hahaha
Hahaha I just tried to do a Canadian goul voice and… I think I broke trying to reconcile gravel with the long lyrical vowels of Canadian English. This may be why they haven’t done that yet hahaha
Nah see I’d love to see that aesthetic in other variations. Like if you look at Panama for example during the 50s the aesthetic was very similar to the US at that time. Because of all the US influences of that time. And US money too. I Live in South America and would love to hear about the NCR expansion through Baja and maybe they pushed all the way though to south America and set up shipping or something. Like there’s a wealth of stories to be told. And you can keep a lot of the general visual aesthetic and set dressing just tweaked to fit with the environment (like how new vegas vaults are tweaked from fo3’s)
Sorry its early and I had that rant sitting in my head and just started typing and now I’m more awake and… I’m sorry for the typos 😅
Goodsprings> hidden valley> the wide way around the deathclaw> oh shit oh shit oh shit they saw me> heh gotem’ > 188 aquire Veronica start actually doing quests and stuff (go back& do BITS & GTGF)
I think those are the only ones we know about doesn’t necessarily mean that’s all of them. And I seem to recall one of the newspaper loading screens for fo3 showing europ with a like launch radius graphic over France or something… or was that something from a fan work?
Anywhere the thing is The bombs aren’t important. Yes they’ve become a primary symbol of the series but in the end (to me at least) what makes fallout Fallout is the struggles to rebuild. We have seen it on soo many different scales, the lone wanderer rebuilding their life after its flipped upside down by James leaving, the chosen one rebuilding after arroyo is taken, the vault dweller adapting ti life outside the vault and then going on to (in most canons) to be the guardian of the vault and founding arroyo.
I honestly feel like 4 and 76 kinda missed the mark, 4 tried to do something with the sole survivor but they went too M. Night on it I think. And 76… it’s an mmo with fallout like aesthetics to me (I don’t mean this as rude as it sounds).