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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • But “shouldn’t stop them from here” and “self-moderate” are in conflict with one another. What is self-moderation if an entire instance is troll farm, or hate group? Should that self-moderation not include defedding as an option?
    If I have a party in my house and a bunch of rowdy people show up, I have a series of escalating options to stop the problem ranging from asking one of them to stop, to kicking the entire group out of my house and never letting them come back. Defedding is the last of those, and I see no reason why it shouldn’t be an option when other methods are not working.

  • People sure like to dunk on PHP. I’ll take whatever flak for this, but this is the kind of meme a .NET fanboy or Ruby on Rails bro would make when they haven’t touched any languages other then their prescious, and don’t know wtf they’re talking about.

    PHP, after all these years, is STILL running 78% of all sites. That’s not because it’s garbage or the worst. It’s solid, reliable, mature and very well documented. And I say this as someone who has gladly moved to Python, but also work in in others.