☭ Chay [they/them] ☭

Stalin shouldn’t have stopped at Berlin

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2023


  • Capitalism worked under Eastern aggression

    Right, the countries that invaded the USSR in its nascent years, constantly tried to assassinate leaders of progressive movements, couped most countries on Earth.

    Communist economic sanctions, Communist covert actions

    The projection lol

    and a propaganda apparatus far more widespread than anything from the West.

    As that joke goes, a CIA and KGB officer meet at a bar. The CIA officer says to the KGB officer “You’ve got a good propaganda machine!”, the KGB officer replies “Well, yours is unbeatable.”

    The CIA agent responds with “What propaganda? In the West we don’t have propaganda.”

  • Section 1

    1. Do you have an account on ProleWiki?

    I don’t.

    1. If not, why?

    I don’t think I know enough to contribute in some aspects. I think I could contribute sometimes, like transcribing Parenti videos and with niche knowledge I have about some Socialist countries.

    1. Were you aware that having an account on ProleWiki allows you to edit pages and participate in the editor community?

    Yes, I’m decently familiar with Mediawiki.

    Section 2

    1. How often do you visit ProleWiki in a week or month?

    I like browsing ProleWiki quite a lot, it has useful knowledge about worldwide workers’ movements I didn’t know before. I’d say more than 5 times per week, it depends.

    1. What keeps you coming back to ProleWiki?

    The Marxist viewpoint which I can’t find without prior searching. Also the sources are great.

    1. What impact has ProleWiki had on you? Either positive or negative (please detail)

    I’d say a positive impact as I managed to find a couple of good sources from there and expand my knowledge.

    Section 3

    1. Where do you feel ProleWiki is lacking?

    More country-specific details such as Socialism in Czechoslovakia, and more information about different Marxists.

    Please take a page you remember that you didn’t entirely like and provide your criticism of it, not only on the content but on the phrasing as well.

    Czechoslovakia on ProleWiki - could be much more detailed. Although I personally don’t know enough about Czechoslovakia to contribute, so perhaps more knowledgeable comrades could fill it up if it’s on the priority list. It’s just an example though.

    Treaty on the Creation of the USSR - doesn’t exist

    1936 Soviet Constitution - doesn’t exist

    1. How would you rate the language and tone used on ProleWiki from 1 to 10? With 1 being casual (as if between friends), and 10 being academic (as if presenting a paper to an auditorium).

    It’s good in my opinion. About 8.

    1. Do you perceive ProleWiki to be a credible encyclopedia?

    Yes, much more than Wikipedia.

    Section 4

    1. How would you like to see ProleWiki evolve?

    The historic articles are great, so I’d definitely like more of that. Perhaps I could contribute a little.

    1. Were you aware we had a Library of texts? (https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/ProleWiki:Library)

    Yes, it’s the feature of the Wiki I use the most. It’s very useful.

    1. If yes, how do you feel about the card system for categorization?

    It’s great, better than before I’d say. Although the old one being text-based was a bit more easier to search in a way.

    Edit: I’ll probably sign up