CW: Visible notochord.
I’m also on Mastodon as .
CW: Visible notochord.
ISTR you can do the sieve thing with true living sponges, too. Life on earth is wild. I wonder if it will be considered mild once we find some interesting life off-planet.
That’s assault, “brotha”.
– Billy Madison
You don’t think retirement is a human right or at least should be?
In a post-scarcity society, no one should have to work. But, if there is scarcity, I don’t believe those with less-working-time should (important EDIT) NOT be forced to provide for those with more-working-time.
I do think government-organized retirement is a good thing, but I don’t feel it is a human right.
let’s pump the brakes on the healthcare
I didn’t say that. I think healthcare in the U.S. is woeful, and hardly anything that is a human right is provided as a right. And, we should massively expand the availability of healthcare.
I did imply there are some medical procedures that I don’t believe are human rights. Depending on who I’m talking to, we might even disagree whether a procedure is medical or not. Some people swear by their chiropractors or essential oil treatments.
I’m from 1980. I’m glad I don’t have children. I hope I can avoid the water wars, but I’m not sure I’ll choose to stay around long enough to see Hayley’s Comet again. I don’t think the collapse of global society (including, but not limited to the Internet) is eminent, but it does seem damn-near unavoidable: We need to act globally soon, and convincing/replacing current global leadership seems like it will take too long.
I have and in my resolver configuration. I’ve heard that might not be poisoned like this. Besides running my own DNS (not even on a dare), is there a good way to get uncensored DNS resutls?
“half” is not really correct; I know that’s not the point though.
The American people collectively had the power to prevent this, and collectively chose not to. Fortunately for me (an American), collective punishment is a war crime, for now.
I don’t agree that they should lose their human rights. Dehumanization is a step too far for me.
I believe there is some level of healthcare that is a human right.
I don’t think “job security” or “retirement” is a human right, though I think we might be in a post-scarcity world (where anyone can “retire” if they wish) and we just aren’t acting like it.
I made 100k / yr for a decade. I was not able to retire. Tho, I am in a better position than many of my peers.
I no longer make 100k / yr, but I’m still above median for my state, and with this job I can also help provide care for a disabled family member in their home.
Who doesn’t love snilk? It’s even lactose-free!
It’s what I use, but I haven’t completed a comprehensive survey. It’s good enough I’m not looking for anything better.
The Chinese Exclusion Act actually predates that poem being added to the statue. So, status is quo.
removing copyright entirely would benefit society
I could be convinced of that.
I think extreme reform would be of more benefit. Copyright as-is is an active harm.
Copyright IS about protecting creators
No, it isn’t. The intent WAS to “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts”. The reality IS that it harms society, by benefiting only the already powerful.
I believe that the protection copyright provides is proportionate to how much you can spend on lawyers. So, no protection for the smallest creators, and little protection for smaller creators against larger corporations.
I support extreme copyright reform, though I doubt it should be completely removed.
The reason copyright exists is for the same reason patents do: to protect the little guy.
If you actually believe this is still true, I’ve got a bridge to sell ya’.
This hasn’t been true since the '70s, at the latest.
Fart in the pillow before you leave, so she can smell your colon after you are gone.
This more closely aligns with my perspective, although I also believe no work should be able to be covered by both copyright and patent (e.g. software).
I’m even willing to give longer terms as long as they are limited by the lifespan of the living sentient creator, and not subject to legal games around corporate personhood.
But, I can certainly see the motivations behind eliminating copyright entirely.
I didn’t say democracts were. But leftists that did vote voted D as harm reduction.
I’m almost certain they mean Reddit, but there are a lot of sites that aren’t … like and … even some sites that aren’t Lemmy instances like infosec.exchance or