I’d like him as a foreign affairs minister, eu ambassador or somewhere in the EU governing body. I think he’ll be great there.
As a president for France, he’s definitively not and for so many reasons you qan’t list them.
I’d like him as a foreign affairs minister, eu ambassador or somewhere in the EU governing body. I think he’ll be great there.
As a president for France, he’s definitively not and for so many reasons you qan’t list them.
Cdiscount j’ai été un peu traumatisé il y a une dizaine d’années après une expérience assez calamiteuse de la commande au service client après coup. Mais bon c’est vrai que vu l’état d’Amazon aujourd’hui, si je trouve nulle part ailleurs ça sera probablement pas pire
Ouais, Emmaüs, recycleries et autres c’est un truc que je fait régulièrement, je cherchais plutot quand je cherche du neuf.
J’y avait pas pensé mais c’est vrai que finalement il y a pas mal de magasins (plus ou moins) spécialisés dans un secteur en particulier, et qui font parfois de la livraison. Ça devrait couvrir la plupart de mes besoins
I mean, yes, on paper, they are part of the nuclear shield protecting Europe. But europe still to have USA approval to use those nukes. And i’m definitively not sure Trump administration will ever approve Germany use those nukes, especially against Russia (and russia knows it).
So in practice, i don’t think it’s more than a piece of paper. It’s not a line of defense if the country that own those weapons and troops is hostile / indifferent to an invasion.
It’s the same debate than F-35. Yes, on paper, it is better than Gripen, typhoon, eurofighters, or rafales. But if US disable them / refuse to provide parts / give intel to ennemy, then they are basically unusable in a real environment, so it’s just a very expensive decoration to use for meeting demonstrations.
(only for canadians) but cool to see researchers doing this kind of work and curious of what is the goal of this !
is it really such a huge deal ? Afaik “ballistic dead rekoning” is really, really accurate and isnt difficult to automate (it’s mostly math after all)
Honestly i prefer that than people who become violent, or spend tons of money without realizing. That one is just funny (and at least he still remembered it was her girlfriend lol)