it doesn’t put the meat in the basket
Bob’s Guns is an excellent track by Ludique.
it doesn’t put the meat in the basket
How about the Baccano novels?
Recruitment under capitalism is incredibly inefficient as well. People should not need to apply to hundreds of jobs over months and months, doing absolutely zero real work in the meantime, just to get an interview. There should be some way to automate things so that an average candidate can tell a website they’re looking for jobs of certain types, fill in their info once, and then companies who are looking for that type of candidate automatically get an easy, manageable list of 2-5 people who have the qualifications they’re looking for. Doing things this way, the automated system can put each candidate on the market for no more than maybe 10 jobs at a time, and if they are picked for none of these 10 jobs, there could be some type of fallback guaranteed job available that you are automatically recruited into if you give the OK.
for a newspaper that says it wants to keep Chinese people here that’s a hell of a yellow peril illustration. they’d be a lot better off if they kept it simple and depicted the Chinese researcher as the gigachad and the American security agencies as the soy wojak
it would be far better to finish what reconstruction started.
let’s be fair here, some of them also pollute the water supply with PFAS.
we actually did see this happen with the internet archive case. harrowing stuff
the point is also to actually make us more vulnerable to sexual violence.
I’m doing my part.
they are all married and they love each other
this is the plot of ascendance of a bookworm
classic reddit
you see, it’s only bad when commies do it
I recommend the Livable Low-carbon City podcast for information about building techniques like that.
If it’s not possible right now then we ought to work towards making it possible. Increasing economic stability can be a part of that but only a part.
it’s the app’s tagline in the apple app store
there are better options. if there’s anyone who should die because you can’t pay your student loan, it sure as hell isn’t you
the “blaze your glory” slogan feels rather fascist to me too, which is fitting given who’s still left on the site
soy beans are good though
have you even been to China?