• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2022

  • As a leftist I guess I might have the most ridiculous getting fired story for politics.

    We had a social uprising some years ago, and had a coup attempt some fewer years ago. After that attempt they tried to get rid of some people to “calm things down”.

    They were trying to get rid of me because of my “left leanings” and this was the perfect smoke screen. First they accused me of being a coup sympathizer, that didn’t stick. Then they said I was a proponent of that social uprising (which was true) but they couldn’t find any proof. So they went with the second best thing, which is:

    A photograph of my wife, when she was a student (at that time, we didn’t even know each other), drinking sourcherry juice out of a wine glass (which they thought was wine).

    You might be saying “how the fuck is that even remotely related to anything?”, to which I say “you are 100% right” but I guess drinking wine means being leftist and consequently possible social upriser (is that a word?).

  • All great points, and i’m really privilaged to be able to say no to all of them.

    BUT (and it’s a big but)

    Not everyone is lucky to be able to speak their minds and receive no ill for it. Most of us are living in a hypercapitalist society and one of the milestones of capitalism is obedience. For being docile we are rewarded with the chance to live another day.

    I have always spoken my mind about everything, and i have mostly been hurt by it. My privilage is, I guess, that the work I’m doing is efficient enough that some people choose to tolerate me. Not everyone is in that position and we certainly shouldn’t ostracize people for it.

  • My first point was “it’s obscenely overpriced”. So let’s dissect that:

    • Quadcore CPU (4x1.5 GHz Cortex-A53)
    • 3 GiB ram
    • 32 GiB storage
    • 720x1440 px resolution.

    That’s almost worse than my 2015 idol3 which has an octa-core CPU. And it’s freakin’ $1.299!!

    On the other hand let’s look at Shift6MQ:

    • Octacore CPU (4x2.8 + 4x1.7GHz)
    • 8 GiB ram
    • 128 GiB storage
    • 1080x2160 px resolution.

    And it’s €577 (which makes $627) which is less than half of what Librem 5 goes for. Would you call Librem 5 overpriced now?

    You somewhat agree with my third point but add that Purism develops software for mobile Linux (which I don’t deny) and say that running pmOS would be less useful without it (which I don’t agree). There’s Plasma Mobile, there’s SXMO (which I love the most) and lately even Gnome Mobile feels more snappy than Phosh. FOSS always finds a way.

    Let’s talk about my second point. I said that “this cultist shit doesn’t make it any better” referring to the Louis Rossmann video. If you’ve ever watched the video, you would’ve seen that there’s a real person with a real problem and being stonewalled by Purism (which is not a singular incident by the way, I have seen numerous people saying the same shit). The thing you should’ve done would be to sympathize with that customer instead of coping for the company (if you’re not the person that wrote the e-mail, of course). But here you are debatelording with semantics. Not on its payroll? What the fuck does that even mean? Why would I care about who’s on whose payroll? I care about the community.

  • the frustration is awfully familiar, i must say.

    the thing about gimp and krita is: gimp is an image manipulation software and krita is a drawing software, and as far as i can see from my so’s work, photoshop is a somewhat mixture of those two. from the jump, we’re not comparing apples to apples, unfortunately.

    but you already answered your own question, i think.

    see, foss programs aren’t there to be a drop-in replacment for their closed sourced alternatives. they emerge from a need from the community. what is more, usually you will have multiple programs encompassing a single workflow of their closed sourced counterparts; meaning they are modular.

    so even if there was some other program apart from these, it would have a learning curve, unless adobe open sources photoshop. so there is a viable alternative (which i know from experience) but there is a learning curve, albeit a steep one for someone coming from photoshop.

    you shouldn’t limit yourself, but it would immensely improve your understanding of the software if you try to recreate simple pieces of your workflow using gimp, once in a while.

  • been using it for almost a year now.

    it’s been 18 years full time linux/bsd for me and it went knoppix -> ubuntu -> fedora -> arch linux -> gentoo -> freebsd -> void

    arch linux in 2008 was really good, and lasted for a couple of years. gentoo was a chore, because it’s fully source based. freebsd is rock solid, amazing amazing system, i would be still using it if it weren’t for aec applications and games. still using it on my homeserver.

    void is blazing fast, highly reliable rolling release package system, amazingly simple init system. i have a 3060ti and it’s working surprisingly good on wayland. it’s just hassle-free for me, i love it.