• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Not in a thousand years would I’ve thought that the solution to the Falin problem would be to eat her lol, it is very fitting I suppose. Wonder why they couldn’t just ask dungeon master to revert Falin and Izu to their human selves after defeating him? Maybe that’ll be answered later in the story.

    Wonderful season, glad they’ve already announced season 2, can’t wait!

  • Before watching this episode I rewatched last week’s episode, ended up enjoying it a lot more on second watch. Guess it was just a mismatch of my expectations and what the episode ended up being, still wish it was paced better.

    Really liked this episode, although it did end on bit of an anti-climax. All the build up of tensions between humans and mutants didn’t really get a big resolution of any kind, there was no exploration of fallout from everything that occurred. Maybe they’ll explore that next season.

    Was really hoping Madelyne would come back some way, seems like a waste to just have her die after having a whole episode dedicated to her and fleshing her out as a character but I guess having two characters who are basically the same wouldn’t have made sense.

    Loved all the action, Rogue going ham was really cool.

    Cyclops doing talk-no-jutsu was a bit odd, like Genosha wasn’t that long ago. Didn’t like that but othersise good episode and a fantastic season all in all, I’ll definitely binge it at some point before season 2 starts. Hopefully won’t be a long wait.

  • Man I go from absolutely loving an episode to not feeling the next one. This episode just didn’t do it for me, there were a lot of big moments but none of them really landed for me cause the pacing is so awkward.

    I also didn’t like Magneto going full villain, doesn’t really make sense to me with how he was presented up until this episode, his choice to neutralize the sentinels in the way he did was drastic and far from ideal considering all the collateral, but what choice did he have? Made no sense to me that pretty much all x-men were opposed to what he did, they couldn’t exactly talk it out with the sentinels, all mutants were gonna die with the way things were going. They’ve spent whole season showing how trying to reason and find a middle ground with bigots doesn’t work, you get hate crimed regardless of how willing your are to suppress your identity and blend in with the society, so then why now present Magneto as the bad guy here? I don’t get it.

  • Storm lighting up when Charles called for the X-men was so cute lol, she looked like dad just returned from the candy store with bunch of goodies. I wonder where she’s been these past two episodes, she would’ve been very helpful in the fight against these sentinels.

    Dr. Cooper’s monologue was pretty cool, but also didn’t she help make Genosha happen? She helped Sinistro build next gen sentinels, what did she expect was going to happen?

    All the action was fantastic, looked amazing. Also, spiderman cameo was neat, I didn’t recognize the other characters, will have to look em up.

    Overall, loved this episode.