They actually ship best at +4C, fridge storage temperature they are used to.
They actually ship best at +4C, fridge storage temperature they are used to.
Haha, did this months before trump the first, enjoying early start fruits!
There are no full alternatives in whole world for cf, unfortunately, but that’s just because they reward lazyness. We should identify particular issues and stop placing all eggs in competitors basket.
I haven’t done my part yet here.
Are big drewers striking with police? That’s a coincidence?
Anyway, just to mentuon, Alzymologist Oy is NOT on strike, yeast is available as usual.
We have https://professional.sunstargum.com/en-en/#cmp-accordion__item-europe too. There was really nice toothpaste from Urtekram, but it’s gone from stores for a year now for some reason.
Dry some leaves of this guy before it blooms https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamaenerion_angustifolium. You can squeeze them by hands before drying or not, the tea will be kinda “red” or “green” accordingly.
This thing is awesome too https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypericum, just dry the flowers or any part of the plant with blooming flowers attached.
If you are into fruity tastes, just dry loads of raspberry leaves or whatever berries you have and steep them with tiny amount of any tea.
We have a shop that sells some good teas made in Finland: teemaa.fi
Going after light color quickly ends up a challenge. Extract mfgrs do not invest much effort into conforming to color, it’s tricky and would quickly kick the costs up, while few users will go full length of making sure the rest operations keep color light. Pretty much anything that is not fermentable sugar will darken beer on every heating stage. Fermentable sugar would darken too, but a bit slower. So going pale requires good ingredients and experience, you’ll get there eventually if you want.
I personally do not enjoy chasing light colors, though. Not worth the trouble imo. Still play with it occasionally. It is indeed much easier with fullgrain, which is all I do.
As far as I know, birds milk is a soviet recipe, comfort food for former ussr sufferers, and the only way to get it to taste really good is DIY which is super simple and fast. Industrial fab just calls for instant enshittification of this treat. Still nice to see the concept alive.
I just bought discount auctioned server from Hetzner, but it was a massive overkill, just happened to be that way; their cheap VMs are totally enough.
Sorry, the last thing was a joke. I just don’t like remote calls, no matter what app or protocol.
I host mine, do server update few times a year, running 1-2 commands depending on whether postgres upgraded or not. This is also main communication method in my company. We do video calls sometimes, but what good are they if you can’t drink together?
Why not Matrix?
It is worth installing GNU/Linux.
Winter just came back hard, something about polar vortex. Bees are smart! I remember some years trees like apples were frostbitten in blooming with sudden frosts. Could this happen to alder or birch? What are we going to do then?
I have alder flowers swollen, have to check them daily. It seems they should be emitting, but they do not stain fingers yet. Bees seem to know it regardless of weather, they do not fly out and sensors indicate that they are calm. I’m in central Finland though.
Yeah, and then a bear comes and gorges on it. Every year, same bear, same tree, same woodpecker.
Large amount of any chemical pufiried, concentrated, and spilled in one place is a disaster
Improper utilization of any energy storage media - wood, electricity, even gyro-storage - is dangerous and produces hazardous waste
It’s all about being technological and playing fair. There is nothing that switch from one energy storage to another would accomplish in terms of environmental safety.
I love NH3 idea, it’s IMO 3rd best solution. Second best is alcohol. First best is making your energy locally with whatever you have and not wasting it for stupid things.
But all this will be easily messed up by reckless greedy maniacs that have most of the power in the world right now.
Here is something my dear friend wrote I just read yesterday: https://alexshvartsman.com/2024/12/03/the-rattler-by-leonid-kaganov/
You can clean the grain by blowing air through it - starchy and sugary parts are denser, while fiber shells fly. I guess most of dust is just dust. That dust might enhance coagulation and make product cleaner. Might be worth investigating. There is nothing simple there.