Trying my best and Hoping we all make it o7

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • I couldn’t believe how rough and run down the NYC subway system was when I visited. At least they have a somewhat adequate number of lines and what not, compared to somewhere like Toronto which has probably 1/6 the size of a subway network a city of its population and wealth should have. Hard to say what is worse.

  • How could you say they aren’t moving towards economic integration when bilateral trade between member nations has increased significantly in the past decade ? That’s not even to mention the increasing amount of trade being settled in local currencies and the creation of the NDB in 2014.

    Sounds like you might not know what you’re talking about but idk

  • I am so unbelievably sick of reading about Saudi Arabia in regards to European football and the wildly eurocentric and xenophobic “enlightened thinkpieces” that there have been a true glut of recently.

    Modern KSA is obviously not an ideal setup, but good lord nothing gets Englishmen foaming at the mouth like a brown person having more money than them. It’s not an issue at all if Americans buy up the league and spend a billion pounds in a year on players, but as soon as it’s an Arab or Chinese it is just a bridge too far for them.

    Football is my cognitive dissonance zone, the top level game just cannot be enjoyed if you don’t approach it with a healthy level of dissonance. The corruption and exploitation is rampant all across the sport, please just let me ignore it in peace lol. Can’t even go to r/soccer for news now without getting myself wound up.

  • I guess that just goes to show how strong the propaganda and mythology of the “free market” and liberal economics really is. I mean, literally less than a decade ago where I live they finished privatizing the telecom services, and internet/phone/TV have probably roughly doubled in price since then, if not more. Ask anyone and they will say that its worse now, yet many of those people would still support privatizing hydro or insurance or whatever. Mind boggling.

  • I know for a fact that there are many chomping at the bit to privatize the electricity infrastructure in my province, which is hilarious to me because our significant hydro electric generation capabilities are one of the only competitive advantages we have here. If anything we should be expanding our infrastructure, selling electricity to other provinces and states, and encouraging things like data centers and what not to set up shop here. Instead I would not be surprised if we end up like Alberta sometime in the next 10-20 years.