Seems to me the solution to this is registering protocol handlers for URLs, which Mastodon tried and gave up on because they weren’t happy with how web browsers handled it.
Seems to me the solution to this is registering protocol handlers for URLs, which Mastodon tried and gave up on because they weren’t happy with how web browsers handled it.
Are you the same Zak from reddit?
I am.
If I had the resources to do that in support of the decentralized internet, I would.
What I do have the resources to do is give away a light in 4000K when we hit 4000 members, so that might be motivation for people who aren’t eligible this time to post before then.
They do in some countries for products purchased after a certain date, but older products had something like 10 years.
If your questions are concrete and in the context of Lemmy or the Fediverse more broadly, admins provide the service of paying for and operating the servers in addition to moderation.
If it’s more abstract, i.e. “can people talk to each other over the internet without moderators?” then my experience is that they usually can when the group is small, but things deteriorate is it grows larger. The threshold for where that happens is higher if the group has a purpose or if the people already know each other.
The risk with anything involving a defective lithium-ion battery is fire/explosion.
There’s a small, but extremely loud segment of the Mastodon userbase that seems to view presenting public posts in any manner that’s different from how a vanilla Mastodon server does as an invasion of their privacy. There have also been a few projects that raised reasonable concerns about privacy and moderation, but this page doesn’t seem to make a distinction.
It appears to contain misinformation about FediFirehose, which ran client side and just showed the output of a public relay.
Preferring websites to apps when possible makes this approach more effective. If you use apps with ads in them, they will likely get sensitive information as described in the article.
System wide ad blocking helps more. Private DNS is the easiest way; Mullvad provides a free option.
About 14. I’m not particularly price-sensitive about it given the absolute cost is low relative to many food options.
Eggs keep getting cited by people trying to blame their political opponents for increases in food prices because they have increased to about 2.5x from five years ago, which is a bigger increase than most foods. The bulk of the increase is due to the ongoing bird flu outbreak, but that fact doesn’t seem to have great distribution among the general public.
I dislike it. I already have a unique, long, randomly generated password for every account. That’s stored in a password manager with a unique, long passphrase. 2FA provides very little additional security in that scenario.
Worse, many services won’t let me use a standard TOTP authenticator. Some insist on SMS. Worse, some insist on their own app.
In terms of image quality, the lens matters more than the body. If you’re able to get the shots you want, but you want them to look better, get better lenses.
For some situations, especially fast action and low light, the body can have a more significant role to play. Fast action benefits from high burst rates and fancy autofocus algorithms. Low light benefits from IBIS (if nothing is moving in the shot) and a less noisy sensor.
What benefits are you seeing from 5g? It’s obviously faster, but I rarely find myself bandwidth constrained on my phone.
For my own use, I don’t care much, but I agree in theory. My 128gb Pixel 4A has 32gb free and I do not actively manage space on it. Android’s handling of SD cards is kind of terrible, making them mostly useful for media files. If I did much photography or videography with my phone, I’d want this more.
I’m sad PGP didn’t become a popular way to log into websites. A challenge-response protocol could have even been built into web browsers. Big tech is reinventing that idea as Passkey, but with a very big tech flavor.
I want a small screen (about 5"), headphone jack, and unlockable bootloader. That’s all.
That has some cool ideas in it, but I find the non-removable battery in a form factor like this inexcusable.
I missed that part. Thanks for the correction.
Looking at the court’s opinion (PDF), it appears this case did not raise that issue. I think it’s unlikely it would be considered a bill of attainder because what it does is technically not punishment, but that’s a question for people who know more about law than I do.
Very likely, but I’d be surprised if they couldn’t achieve 80% of that on the web. Targeted surveillance, as they’ve been caught doing to critics before would not work as well.
Fine. That’s a normal response from a business to a hired performer making an off-script political display.