Biden had his chance and squandered it by failing to build any trust with the voting public. We need a completely new generation of leadership and that includes house and senate leadership.
Biden had his chance and squandered it by failing to build any trust with the voting public. We need a completely new generation of leadership and that includes house and senate leadership.
We can do this the easy way or the hard way - not that a pressure campaign to reform the Democratic Party will be easy, but it’d be sure a hell of a lot easier than trying to primary them out or form a new party. We should try to change them but we need to prepare for every eventuality.
The fact is that nothing is going to change if we can’t change or replace the Democrats first.
Democrats horribly misunderstand the political situation we’re in where ‘action, not words’ leaves a communcation vaccuum for MAGA and their GOP supplicants to fill with lies.
I guess I meant just since the new term but this is a great list and I’ll be sharing it around myself as well. Thanks!
Trump needs to be removed for this and it’s not an exaggeration to say there are at least a dozen other unconstitutional things he’s done that he should be removed for as well. But the GOP-held congress doesn’t care about the constitution either so this is only going to continue to get worse.
Couldn’t agree more - it will only happen if they receive enough public pressure and those of us who understand what’s happening here have a responsibility to do what we can to spread the word.
The atmosphere is nearly perfect for an EU resurgence. American workers potentially willing to leave is only one piece of it. You also have interest in drawing together as a continent against a new shared enemy. Hell even Germany is ready to drop their spending limitations to actually try to rise to the occasion.
I really wish they’d take it a step further and pump heavy investment into the region - and not just defense. Isn’t it exactly the right time to build European industries to replace the American ones they are no longer sure they can trust?
The entire Democratic Party leadership needs to resign and be replaced by people who will actually fight for working Americans.
In November Schumer and the other leaders suffered the worst defeat in party history yet they haven’t realized the only thing left for them to do is resign in shame.
The most incredible trick the GOP has managed to pull is to convince working Americans to hate each other.
Absolutely agreed. First thing we have to try is to make the party reform themselves. AOC and Bernie have the formula already - the DNC needs a massive push. Like a concerted pressure campaign.
It’s not going to be easy but fighting a lawless MAGA with Dems who seem to be stuck in 2012 would be much more difficult. At least now we have some hope because at least these two are out there building the support.