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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • With larger groups I tend to stick to less mechanically complex games.

    Most OSR games can be run on the fly with any number of players. I had a fixed group of 9 run through Keep on the Borderlands, with 1 or two extras jumping in for a session here or there.

    My absolute favourite is Savage Worlds. It’ss great as the maths isn’t tight and “balancing” an encounter is just a matter of throwing in more mooks, throw in a wild card per 2 or 3 players. It can fit to any setting, though I strongly recommend Deadlands.

    My close second favourite is Call of Cthulhu, which I’ve run with 8 players. There’s not a combat focus so sessions are unlikely to get bogged down, and even then, most combat actions are a simple contested roll. Investigations tend to resolve as people splitting into pairs and following different leads; two go archiving at the library, two visit a sanitarium patient, two head over to the local paper to see if any stories have been published or even blocked by an editor, two stake out points of interest.

  • The Crew - Mission Deep Sea - card game with a simple trick taking mechanic. Difficulty is very modular as you decide a difficulty level before each game. Difficulty is decided by the numbers of missions taken and the relative complexity of those missions (this is all explained on the mission cards). Missions are based on which tricks you win, with simple rules like “I win no 1’s” or “I win at least 3 9’s”.

    Hanabi - Card playing game where you don’t know your own hand. You describe aspects of each others hands (colours of cards, numbers on cards). Your goal is to place a pile of the cards 1,2,3,4,5 in each of 5 colours. Don’t play with mathematicians.

  • There currently is no way - and in my opinion should be no way to prevent duplicate communities across instances. One community will eventually become popular enough to be considered the de facto community, though we shouldn’t force interaction with an instance simply because they have dibs on a community name.

    Less discerning users can subscribe to both communities.

  • Jack Vance (namesake of Vancian magic) introduced two interesting concepts in his Dying Earth series. In earlier books magic was essentially invented by the ancient masters who were expert logicians and scientists. Each spell was essentially a proof of concept that a sequence of actions compelled reality to act in a certain way.

    By the time of the first short stories in the Dying Earth series, mankind has long since deteriorated due to an overreliance on what is essentially magic to the layperson. Even the wily magicians of the modern time are only capable of rote learning a few arguments at a time; hence the fire and forget Vancian magic system of old D&D.

    In later books, magicians have returned to near godly power. They’ve somehow found a link between djinn-like creatures capable of controlling portions of reality, and the rote rituals of old. They’ve learned to essentially cut out the middle-man and directly enslave these djinni to do their bidding.

  • Managed to play Arkham Horror twice in one week, though missed playing War of the Ring with my partner.

    Wednesday was an 11 hour Arkham Horror marathon due to 2 friends moving away. Four of us took the day off. We attempted the two-party Dream Eaters campaign with two groups of 3. The awake team blitzed through their scenarios while the dreamers struggled through theirs (having already played the other way, the dream scenarios are more complex). This resulted in the awake team waiting 30 mins - 1 hour per scenario for the dreamers to finish. We finished at the end of scenario 3 as we were so exhausted.

    Saturday was my Path to Carcosa group, which proved to be a lot more fun, probably because we weren’t trying to cram a whole campaign into one day. Completed scenario 3 before the final agenda came up. Our seeker is ridiculous at hoovering clues.

  • People have already mentioned my two suggestions: 4E DMG2 and The Lazy Dungeon Master.

    This isn’t a specific book recommendation, but I would recommend reading a diverse range of RPG books, across a breadth of topics which interest you. In particular, reading the storytelling sections and how those guidelines interact with the delivery mechanics of the specific game can offer a new perspective on how to run your games.

    For example, I enjoy horror roleplaying in particular, so books I may read are Call of Cthulhu for Cosmic Horror or the World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness books for Personal Horror. While I run Call of Cthulhu a lot more than World of Darkness, the tips on storytelling personal conflict from WoD offer some interesting insight into running sanity conflicts in CoC.