Maybe disarm or destroy Hamas terrorists?
Maybe disarm or destroy Hamas terrorists?
LG V20 and Neutron player app. Best sounding combination ever!
It will be like going from one shithole to another shithole.
Just wait until Trump come. You will miss Biden greatly.
Wrong. This “50 Year ahreement” never exist. Total BS.
There is no AUDIOPHILE speakers for computer. Period.
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Nikola Tesla’s alternative current.
This movie is joke. Absolute western garbage.
Simple answer: YES!
Why is nobody mentioning any more Hamas/ Palestinas years and years of theorist acts culminating with last on November 2023???
She, like many others, is trying with same bullshit rethoric. Poor native, poor black, we are suppressed, we are endangered, we need our rights, blah, blah. I throw up watching her irrational comments.
Basic, Fortran & RPG
What else did you expect, Serbians deciding to play with Russians and Chinesse.
Looks like is just one more HAMAS propaganda.
Heckler&Koch VP9 / 20 rd magazine.
Absolutely agreed. Three body problem is overhyped garbage.