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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • You could at the very least learn some fucking history, dude. Your ancestors didn’t move to an undeveloped land. Your ancestors invaded a land that had been carefully cultivated for millennia and forced out the descendants of the people who made that land livable.

    Like, whatever, ignorance is why you’re a bigot in the first place. I just am constantly surprised by the utter lack of curiosity among conservatives that leads to dumbshit opinions like this.

  • Then why even have marriage? What a stupid concept.

    People change, people hide shit. The person you know the absolute best is someone that you don’t know everything about. If someone puts on airs until the wedding and then reveals themselves to be a piece of shit, you should just be stuck with them for life because you signed some stupid paper?

    I’d rather abolish the concept of marriage entirely than have to live in some stupid hellhole that follows the rules you think should apply to marriage.

  • I don’t want you to feel like you’re being dogpiled, cause I don’t think anyone here is like, upset with you.

    But Taylor Swift fans are like, the exact opposite kind of crowd for that type of message. You wanna find things you have in common with her, you go right ahead, no harm done at all. But Swifties react irrationally to anything they’d perceive as an attack on her. You just picked the wrong audience, is all.