Imagine an alternate reality where JK either moved on from transphobia or never had it: She would easily go down in history as one of the best writers of the modern era, and her Twitter could just be silly jokes about Hogwarts classes starting up, Harry Potter holidays, or just worldbuilding.
Harry Potter itself wasn’t for me and I read the whole series, but I at least had respect for her. Now she went full clout-chaser with the whole “DAE le trans people BAD!?!?! THANKS FOR THE CASH, TWITTER!”
Imagine an alternate reality where JK either moved on from transphobia or never had it: She would easily go down in history as one of the best writers of the modern era, and her Twitter could just be silly jokes about Hogwarts classes starting up, Harry Potter holidays, or just worldbuilding.
Harry Potter itself wasn’t for me and I read the whole series, but I at least had respect for her. Now she went full clout-chaser with the whole “DAE le trans people BAD!?!?! THANKS FOR THE CASH, TWITTER!”