
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: February 6th, 2025


  • This is exactly the kind of problem I’m talking about, the metric is absurd. 1.02 seconds/item is a level of efficiency seldom seen outside of robots, applying it to human beings is sadistic, especially considering the consequences for failure. I’m convinced that these sorts of setups have been contrived to establish leverage against workers early on as a means to hold their “already coached/this is your last strike” status over their heads for the entirety of their employment.

    I don’t envy Amazon workers that predicament, but it sounds as though you’ve found something different and hopefully better?

  • Agreed, the lack of the alcoholism that killed so many Boomers and Gen X in their youth won’t improve the 18-30 mortality rates of Gen Z & Alpha IMO (not drinking for whatever reason). I’m not encouraged by the already difficult conditions that hobbled or killed so many Gen Y, which haven’t improved and likely won’t by the time either of these latest cohorts are graduating en-masse. Fentanyl, and other synthetics are going to scythe through them as well if things don’t at least begin to change, but few with the influence to do anything are even acknowledging the problems.