Was there a coyote or a roadrunner anywhere nearby?
Was there a coyote or a roadrunner anywhere nearby?
Even if we dumped all online transactions and used cash for in person transactions, there isn’t enough cash in circulation. Less than 3% of US dollars are printed on paper. The rest is just numbers on spreadsheets. There is no way we could function without electronic payments. This is true in almost every country that has a central bank that engages in fractional reserve banking.
Can this fascist geezer hurry up and die? I will make a special trip back to America to piss on his grave, after the fascism dies down.
Install Linux on them and give them to school children so they can go to school online and not have to worry about being shot. I also see a lot of lithium in that pile.
Most of these Senators have a net worth of tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. They love Trump. He is cutting their taxes. (but not yours)
Depends on the speed. If the bowling ball is moving slower than 10 kph and the marble is moving at ballistic speed of 1000 kph, I would take the bowling ball.
No, I point that out because I also lived in Hawaii for 6 years and when they finally built their light rail system on Oahu, they built hundreds of parking spaces around the station. They provided no bicycle parking and no commercial storefront space. Convenience stores, super markets, doctor’s offices, dental clinics, and maybe a small police outpost are all handy things to have next to the station. Last time I checked an online map, the parking spaces are hardly ever used. Who takes a car to a train station and leaves it so they can ride the train?
So, like every train station I have ever seen in Japan?
Musk’s ketamine dealer should do the world a favor and add a big dose of fentanyl to the next delivery.
Australia could get annexed by the USA too. The USA already has military bases in Australia. Stand for something or fall for anything.
They’re not meek, they’re bought.
Someone should tell The Guardian that their participle is dangling.
Frozen to death at a mountain resort after being haunted by ghosts who wanted me to murder my family. (The Shining)
Not a business man, a con artist.
Slave Plantations?
A DIY chicken coop is starting to look like a goldmine. It would pay for itself in a month or two. If you can repurpose some skids / pallets you can build one really cheap. Chicken feed doesn’t cost much.
Religious people are a goldmine for scammers like Trump. A person who can be convinced that there is an invisible man who lives in the sky and grants wishes or that there was a zombie 2000 years ago who walked on water can be convinced of anything. Born to be rubes.
you know, morons.
Dave better have paid the house off in full. Veterans disability benefits won’t cover a house payment and food in Florida
God damn! This is so simple a third grade student can understand it. The US government has no authority to tax foreign governments, citizens or businesses. They can only tax American citizens and businesses. So Trump puts a 50% tariff (Import Tax) on tea from England. The tea costs $5.00. The person or corporation who imports it, pays the $5.00 cost plus the $2.50 tariff. The US government gets the $2.50. In this case, Trump and Musk are probably just stealing it.