That the shadowy creatures I see creep by every single corner, just out of sight, are actually real.
That the shadowy creatures I see creep by every single corner, just out of sight, are actually real.
Or PipePipe if that one doesn’t work out for you.
It depends on their sect. The ones that are around where my grandparents used to live did not believe in science or technology. Seemed a lot like the Amish, but definitely were not.
He’s Mennonite. They don’t believe in any English medicine/science. If someone dies, it’s God’s will.
Happy birthday! No big deal at all!
It looks good though.
You got me hooked. I have to watch it now. Thanks!
Animal Crossing New Horizons and Hoa.
Unfortunately yes. Lol
Definitely recommend Heliboard.
If you’re going to be negative about people welcoming newcomers, you don’t have to comment. I thought I left all that behind on reddit.
Welcome friend. Lemmy is a nice place.
Oh. There’s also this guy called the World Judge who controls all of the funding for all police stations in the world. He has ultimate authority and seems to be like Judge Dred where he is tge judge, jury, and executioner.
I work with one of those people. He’s a dipshit. He thinks time is controlled by satellites and clouds are made by cloud machines. Also, the earth is flat and no one has left it because of the dome.
Like nails on a chalkboard or metal scraping on metal. Barf
I watched it for about 30 seconds. I couldn’t stand hearing his lies and disgusting face.
I can’t wait to be able to garden again in a few weeks.