I thought the election is “stolen” if he should lose.
I thought the election is “stolen” if he should lose.
Ja, so scheint es. „Man in the Middle“ (MITM) Attacke mal anders.
Man munkelt die Geräte wären OTA (over the air) gehackt worden damit die Akkus heißlaufen und explodieren.
„Nach Informationen der “Bild”-Zeitung hatte er sich so eng hinter einen anderen Reisenden gestellt, dass beide zusammen den Durchgang passieren konnten, als sich dieser nach dem Scannen der Boardkarte öffnete.“
Typischer U-Bahn Trick
Ist nicht gerade das die Definition eines Reallohns?
„Der Reallohn ist der Indikator für die tatsächliche Kaufkraft des Nominallohns, was eine Preisbereinigung um Inflation oder Deflation erfordert.“ (Wikipedia)
Love this trailer!
Trump lying is no news. He performed as everyone expected.
That was killed quickly.
Well, they formally try to comply but do this in a way that ensures that no one will be using it:
Hopefully they’ll be more successful than EU.
Get seasick and vomit in less than a minute… 🤢
OK, I got it. It was a real word, part of the tutorial, but I had to start from another “T”… 🙈
For me it seems impossible to swipe the word “tutorial” in the tutorial. How do I get back from the letter T to the letter O without either breaking the swipe line or hovering over the wrong letter.
This habe looks interesting, but I am not sure how it works.
I personally don’t use trains, because there are no reasonable connections on the routes I frequently use. Also, trips by train (especially when it’s cross-border), are often more expensive than the corresponding flights.
“Manhole” taken literally. I can’t believe that these men are doing this kind of work without any protection…
…for Boobies!