Not a concrete example like your asking for but the question has a lot of overlap with the third software freedom
Not a concrete example like your asking for but the question has a lot of overlap with the third software freedom
Whats the email i need to send the request to.
ed the standard editor?!?
Took an older username i had, translated it, then romanized the characters.
Oooh, sweet. I knew it was soon, but couldn’t remember.
I’ll be honest,before this thread i though chiro was a medical proffession.
I highly recommend the xenoblade series. 1,2, and 3 are on switch with a remake of X coming in a few months. All nintendo exclusive games well worth their cost (if you have time for a jrpg)
I didn’t expect to compliment him, but damn space hitler really does have good hand writing.
Its only 40s of work.
I don’t see whats stopping you from doing exactly that ten years ago. What you describe it just tag searching. Plenty of software exists to do that.
Currently waiting on a fucking 3.5mm to bluetooth just because i can’t trust any of the usbc adaptors I’ve bought.
Three shots for a dollar??? There’s going to be more lead than body after we shoot 3 billion+ times!!
Seems pretty good, just waiting on the communities im in to leave discord.
Agreed. I dont know if i remember a single positive thing he did before he announced his plan to resign from office. He’s been doing gods work lately.
Can you cure my depression
I think im around 2000 without ever leaving it idle…
What exactly is their direction? I heard the ceo is an ass, but their software seems fine to me.
That’s the idea yes. Heavier users of a tool become incentivised to pay for convenience, and the developers get a cut from that so they can afford to keep working on their code. But since its open source if you can’t pay or don’t want to you retain the option to compile yourself!