TemutheeChallahmet [none/use name]

  • 39 Posts
Joined 20 days ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2024


  • At least normies will clock Kamala as some sort of modern, non-white telegenic girlboss politician in passing, the way they’ll mentally peg John Fetterman as some rugged guy, Warren as some professor lady, AOC as some young firebrand.

    Liz Cheney however occupies absolutely zero space in the public’s mind as anything, and her celebrity is exclusively the concoction of the centrist and neocon media anchors who still remember and care about Dick Cheney, and thinks it somehow matters that his daughter occasionally adds one Republican vote to another doomed bill to prosecute Trump. Cheney herself cannot capture any organic public interest, and any coverage she gets is due to either the cable news hosts mentally masturbating about her across the aisle commitment to “norms,” or Donald Trump seeing these news bits, getting mad, then calling for his hogs to find and kill her.

  • It is the aesthetic of seriousness and moderation they crave, the ability to look and seem professional and educated independent of any substantive proof that they are. This fakery is unveiled whenever you see a Celebrity Jeopardy episode where the news anchors/political commentators get demolished by comedians, even though the anchors appear way more put together and well read than the comedians do.

    A lot of the Ivy grad pmc centrists don’t know shit about shit, they just know the style choices, catchphrases, and speaking cadences that will get them clocked as thoughtful and competent by the layperson, while letting them ward off questions from smart people that actually probe their depth of knowledge.

  • That just means you haven’t found the thing that speaks to their soul yet, just something that they agree with on a surface level and doesn’t incept them with a will to unpack anything personally. For me my de-libining came after 2016 when I read what the groypers were saying and thoroughly read intellectual dark web stuff and saw that the lib brand of alternating snark, hysteria and patting themselves on the back for being the “decent” side was completely toothless against and ignorant to these rising political currents.

    All of the Democrat messaging I saw felt designed to make them look good only within the parameters of right wing framing, and depended on taking the right’s bad faith arguments at faith value (“I thought you loved the troops but now you’re attacking Gold Star families? Busted!”). I saw how the dirtbag left didn’t mince words when talking about troops or back down when another self-righteous fake outrage campaign was started by the right, I saw Richard Spencer get punched once, lose the majority of his following and disprove the notion that the “marketplace of ideas” was the best antidote to hate, and I never looked back.

  • I would prefer it if she wasn’t self consciously performing for an audience at all times with her forced laughter, or her awkwardly shoehorned in “as a woman” stands.

    It is time that purposely waiting for your debate opponent to interject so you can say “Excuse me sir, I am speaking!” or waiting all debate to work in the line “That little girl was me!” so you can concurrently fire out a tweet to sell t-shirts bearing that slogan, or similar parlor tricks stop working on people.

    The character Kemi from Veep was clearly a mockery of her.

  • You’re also never able to meet and strategize with the thousands of other small donors to agree upon a single set of policies you can demand that the politician fulfill, whereas a handful of rich bundlers can get together for one dinner party, raise as much money as you and thousands of your fellow schmucks do, and hash out a cohesive list of policy demands that satisfies everyone at the table while being easy for the beneficiary politician to grant.

    Plus those rich donors are few enough in number that they can collectively shut down the politician’s money hose over a simple text chain if he/she breaks promises, whereas you won’t be able to get the scattered thousands of small money donors together to collectively bargain for anything if the politician’s actions leave you all completely abandoned, and if you choose to stop giving they’ll be able to go elsewhere to quickly fleece more small money donors.

  • They are too trapped emotionally by the modern brand of campaigning via parasocial relationships, if Biden is sad about being forced out, they will be sad too. To them it’s like being unable to say no to their grandma who has dementia and arthritis, when she asks to hold their baby. They just tell themselves that the baby will probably be okay, then cross their own fingers when they see hers begin to tremble heavily.