Id like the broken scepter and have it charge incarnon mode using the interact orb mechanic rather than combo.
Id like the broken scepter and have it charge incarnon mode using the interact orb mechanic rather than combo.
Give it time, when the 3rd party API shuts down on 6/30 and mods can no longer moderate as needed, you might see some returners
For sure, always need lanthorns
Been wanting mirage prime for a while, might be my chance
Eclipse and hope you get damage boost on boss and not dodge chance, it doesnt share like roar butthe damage boost is 4x.
Then again if you are willing to drop a mod for an augment, you could run Oberon subsume and get like 250% radiation damage which IIRC is archons biggest weakness.
I got an message in my inbox giving me steel essence and some other stuff for apprently clearing zariman, but i still havent, i assume that is for the duviri.
That said im curious what the extractor will come back with in 7 hours.
Its getting added to lone story and experience after this event, so youll continue to get these resources whether you want or not i think
You think you are shooting an enemy but its a nekros mob
Nekros, not a huge fan of a loot bot frame that confuses other players in missions. Dont see it too often in SP, mainly just on dark sectors.
(this goes for other frames too).
Depends on the frame imo, early on i sold a bunch for slots as i was poor, not like excal or ember etc are difficult farms
I would love even some basic ass 25% ability power, range, strength etc ones would help new players have an idea of what those mods would do down the line.
Whats also kinda crazy is that duviri isnt new, its been around for a long ass time. Albrecht Entrati has been there, created a lab, and then teleported away with it.
people don’t like investing too many forma into something that they will discard later in favor of the prime version.
This is the worst part of warframe for me, short of much newer frame, i will not spend a cent on something ill trash, you are effectively burning like 100 plat, more than the cost of entire prime frames sometimes
Boltor for sure, being able to pin a row of enemies to the wall 30ft up is cathartic.
Honorable mentions. The new ocucor is satifying because it clears like no other. Corufell is fun because it provides a heavy attack windup that i wish some guns had. Lastly maybe lenz because you create these giant bubbles for all to see. Small shoutout to sonicor
Pretty much, more specifically strong emotions are what creates things. “when you let your anger take over it becomes a dragon” is not just an analogy, that actually happens. Now moving forward maybe that is a tool to fight man in wall etc or why he exists in the first place, some remnant emotion from alberach or whatever his name is.
Forgot, there are a few incarnon weapons which have evolution paths that freeze combo duration when you weapon swap
Shame one of the arcon weapons wasnt a nunchuck, could have been shooting fireballs etc
The only advantage primes have is the polarities to save you a few forma and looks. The stat increases might as well not exist, 25 armor or life or shield and the death cube interaction means nothing on 99% of tilesets.
IDK im a completionist myself, but im at MR20 and havent done half the stuff you have, seems like you went a little too fast imo
Well i stopped making them because they cost 2 forma, and 2 forma cost roughly 30 plat and the adapter costs 20 so unless you are swimming in forma its not worth. And if you spend 50k rep in cephalon, there are mods in there that sell for like 40 plat for 75k rep, so its just not efficient all around especially since you only need to craft roughly 50 of them ever.