I think its because of the python installer and it needing more dependencies to be fully present? I’m working on getting the current build out of him, I hope that will allow others to have a more educated look than me.
Of course it will be, the size is due to tensorflow which handles pitch detection
Yeah I’m aware of this, it’s mostly supposed to help visualise your pitch as you do all the other necessary stuff to sound like you intend to, similar to how I use it with my speech therapist. It might not help without additional resources and it’s not meant to. Frankly I have no clue how you’d detect resonance and other things without some form elaborate of machine learning, but there’s a reason I’m no programmer myself 💀
I doubt it, sadly 😭
The current performance is already good, it’s just a huge file with python
Thanks for the info o7
The current scope is to use this more as a visual aid and reminder when for example gaming with friends or something and trying to maintain pitch.
It’s less about the hard work needed to attain a specific sound with resonance or twang. I personally wanted something that helps reminding me and giving me feedback when I’m just chilling at my puter. Hence the simple pitch detection (which seems to already be technically complicated)
For mobile I’d pretty much recommend going with the existing tools like Voice Tools
Afaik no such app can actually tell you how you sound, so recordings are still vital for progress. I still feel the need to see what pitch I am at though, since sometimes that’s rather hard to tell. Which in turn is why we came up with the idea in the first place.
Sorry for rambling
We’re not quite there yet but I’ll keep that in mind 👀
Thanks for the advice!
Ich will in 20 Jahren am leben und nicht krank as fuck sein, sick as fuck ist okay
Ich wollte lediglich darauf aufmerksam machen, dass es nicht der Weisheit letzter Schluss ist, dass Insekten keinerlei vergleichbares Schmerzempfinden besitzen. Zu behaupten, es gäbe keine Hinweise auf ein Schmerzempfinden, das “vergleichbar mit dem von Wirbeltieren” ist, ist nicht endgültig geklärt, der aktuelle Wissensstand ist mehrdeutig, zeigt aber eine Tendenz zur Fähigkeit von Insekten Schmerzen zu spüren.
Die Moral des Konsums von Insekten, Pflanzen oder anderen Lebewesen ist nicht Gegenstand meiner Argumentation gewesen.
Naja, weil sie scheinbar doch Schmerzen in bestimmten, Facetten wahrnehmen können, die unserer Wahrnehmung von Schmerzen ähneln, wenn auch nicht vollständig.
Doch den gibt es, aber es ist noch nicht klar wie weitgehend Insekten über Nozizeption verfügen. Es scheint auch sehr artspezifisch zu sein.
Hello Morgana from Persona 5
https://www.giantbomb.com/max/3005-893/ a surprising amount of games
Ich glaube die meisten Leute haben nicht die Zeit oder Energie das durchzuziehen für die Unmenge an Supermarktapps
Makes sense, I didn’t know the guy at all apparently. Having looked him up it’s less funny to me tbh
Aren’t those just random large game/media franchises though
Not my nation not my treasure I guess? Sorry I’m not cultivated like that 💀 What is he known for/why is he not just another dad on social media?
For me it’s got those “I’m 14 and this is deep” vibes that paradoxically only “eloquent” boomers post on social media
Chappell Roan may have won the coveted best new artist prize at the 2025 Grammys, but the “Pink Pony Club” singer and certified Midwest princess wasn’t content to simply bask in the spotlight on Sunday night. Instead, the queer pop star devoted much of her time at the Grammys to advocating for workers and members of the LGBTQ+ community, two groups that are already seeing their rights curtailed just a few weeks into the second Trump administration.
Would that even make sense, economically and especially environmentally this can’t be desirable.
If anything, you could maybe order straight from the source in China or wherever it’s made, given they stell it there. Hauling stuff around the world twice seems excessive. Also if the goods were made in the US shipped to Europe and then back to e.g. Canada it would be even more nonsensical probably? So knowing whether something is exclusively made in the US might be important, too.
Europe has some national and international online stores, however, they usually don’t ship across the Atlantic to my knowledge.
You can try though: Alza should be Alza.cz but .de works too Bol.de Otto.de I don’t know others by name but those are some market places