Someone was favouring extra expensive contracts with private medical contractors.
Someone was favouring extra expensive contracts with private medical contractors.
Good point, hadn’t thought of that lol.
That’s just trump trying to swing the vote toward pp. It’s so obvious I think/hope the only people stupid enough to fall for it are the ones who already vote conservative.
I cannot profess to knowing that which I did not read, per say. Lol
I didn’t mean to emphasize stupid in any way. I think rejection of the current system was inevitable but they fall for lies that are allowed to go unchallenged in a meaningful way. I don’t have a problem with optimism but I think ignoring the realities of the end game do us no favours. I would prefer a mix of the two with proper representation of a plan to survive what will come. Lets hope electoral reform actually happens in a way that truly serves the people and not the party. Thanks for your thoughts on all this.
They instill many emotions that are helpful in promoting discourse. Not all but you have to take the bad with the good.
You can’t have discrimination without eliminating the elimination of discrimination.
Agreed. Let’s just eliminate the link so that no clicks go their way. I love Wiki but self-centered comments have their place. I think getting people to question the whole fandom paradigm would be a healthy add on.
The other day I was looking through posts on Lemmy and came across a long list of posts solely linked to reddit, for the purpose of sharing reddit content. I think to be appropriately rid of these negative influences Lemmy should consider blocking links to these predatory sites.
Don’t forget, to many children a property. The purpose of procreation is to ensure that your own stupid, narrow sighted, ill-informed views propagate across centuries. Brutal isn’t it. I understand that doing something is better than nothing but at the same time you have to allow that the illusion of progress is perhaps more dangerous. It’s a conundrum that I fear will be our demise. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this but I’m too stuck in my malaise to be convinced that anyone can see the forest in the trees. Cheers
As I said I won’t be reading this post I think it would be hypocritical to read any responses, so I won’t be reading this one either. Thanks best buddy!
Just for that I won’t be reading this post.
You’re absolutely right about single issues being absorbed, the most prevalent being gun rights and abortion in the u.s… I think I lean much more on the side of education and civic engagement you mentioned. Not easy to shove that down anybody’s throat. The moment you try to introduce a larger extent of that you’ll get the “brainwashing our kids” crowd crying fowl, even though they’re right. My solutions to these problems aren’t well received or practical given the current state. While I understand your objections and am willing to throw caution to the wind I don’t think a change to PR will really be of consequence.
Edit: I came back to this because I realized this sounded too defeatist. Certainly PR or something similar is the next best step. Nothing we do will happen quickly so the most important thing always is to keep moving.
A list of those beers please. Am happy to chip in! Cheers
Great piece, thanks.
I don’t suggest that one issue parties would form government. I do suggest however that a one issue party would be part of a coalition and would eventually want their one issue addressed. If a coalition government wanted the votes for an issue they really felt important, they may concede to other issues that they would not otherwise entertain. I know you will say, rightly, that this is what democracy and working with others is all about. My complaint is that it simplifies what governing an entire country entails. I feel it invalidates governance when myopic views are allowed to prevail and striving for one issue can eliminate proper consideration of another for the simple desire to get that one issue passed. I feel this contributes to allowing an ignorant electorate to treat the only thing the care about as a zero sum game where no matter what else is allowed to happen, at least they get their way. I know I overplay this narrative and simplify my concerns but the underlying premise is still valid. To not strive for a more informed electorate and a more broad appreciation of cause and effect does no one any favours.
I’ve always leaned toward ranked ballots as I felt it would be an improvement over a constant over-representation of the conservative mentality in a majority progressive country. Recently there have been posts on Lemmy where people have made good points for proportional representation (PR) but I still have reservations. I agree with a post here about the fact the party ultimately chooses who to appoint to the earned positions and so also agree that it would need to be adjusted with an open list, details to be worked out. My main objection to the PR system though is the rise of many single issue and or myopic platforms for parties that would get representation. My fear would be a party coalition quagmire where issues that should never see the light of day are entertained in an effort to appease the dubious partners. Would we want a Muslim, Christian or Hindu party pushing a particular agenda? Would we want an NRA backed group pushing gun freedom? I feel I could only support PR if there were guardrails put in place to mitigate this type threat. I’ve had someone comment that if that’s what people choose then shouldn’t they have that right? I understand that point but still have reservations. Thanks for prompting this discussion.
It’s a good thing to have control of your border and it’s a good thing to break up and deport criminal gangs. As always, his methods are moronic.
This is disgusting.