• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Its not that hard to fathom when you have worked with these types of people.

    All it was was a numbers meeting, no User Experience folks in the room. They said how much revenue they would increase quarter over quarter, and how much engagement it would drive. Everyone claps, the meeting ends they move forward with the next terrible design decision. Companies no longer take focus group testing seriously for anything.

  • Science already has an established method for debating and refuting scientific findings/claims. So this idea that we need to make a spectacle out of it is so disingenuous on its face. “oh but if they know what they are talking about it would be easy to defend in a debate”, but it goes the other way. Then they keep moving the goal posts on what qualifies as a “real” scientific test, and I just can’t have a good faith conversation with these people. I’ll correct people in real life, but the internet is a cesspool and I don’t have the patience.

  • I mean genuinely if your charging for access to the content I have created then I am I entitled to a portion of your revenue. Same as Adsense on YT not that I want to turn it into a race to the bottom for engagement like those scenarios are conducive to. But if we want to make it about money we can make it about money /u/spez.

    If I were an executive and If I was even 2% clued into the effect this is having on shifting the conversation to fediverse type projects I would be shitting myself. Not because this will have an immediately noticeable effect on my bottom line, but that it will continue to grow organically. We already crossed the threshold of momentum needed to self sustain, its all up from here especially as the tools and systems mature.

    Just look at the tech literate around us start to question “yeah why the fuck are we leaving social media in the hands of corporations???”