• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023


  • Sure thing

    Also I thought that frigate is only usable through home assistant, but that only means android app I guess.

    Nope, Home Assistant is just a nice integration with it

    The web UI is fast and responsive - even on mobile in Chrome

    You can easily view object detections and recordings by day and hour through the web UI too

    It’s extremely well done

    Anyway, I am actually in process of picking few cameras, likely going with tplink vigi, like C340 and see if it will play nicely.

    Frigate have docs on recommended cameras


    Regardless of what cameras you choose, please ensure you VLAN and firewall them off - these cameras effectively run a Linux distro and should not be trusted or accessible

    For example, my Reolink cameras can access NTP and DNS just so their clocks are correct

    They can’t access anything else on the network

    The CCTV VM sits on the same network as the cameras and has host firewall rules to deny access from the cameras

    Frigate just connects to each camera’s stream and does its magic from there

    version: "3.9"
        container_name: frigate
        privileged: true # this may not be necessary for all setups
        restart: unless-stopped
        image: ghcr.io/blakeblackshear/frigate:stable
        shm_size: "512mb" # update for your cameras based on calculation above
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - /opt/dockervolumes/frigate/config/config.yml:/config/config.yml
          - /mnt/cctv/frigate:/media/frigate
          - type: tmpfs # Optional: 1GB of memory, reduces SSD/SD Card wear
            target: /tmp/cache
              size: 1000000000
          - "8554:8554"     # RTSP feeds
          - "8555:8555/tcp" # WebRTC over tcp
          - "8555:8555/udp" # WebRTC over udp
          - traefik.enable=true
          - traefik.http.routers.cctv.rule=Host(`cctv.${DOMAIN}`)
          - traefik.http.routers.cctv.entrypoints=websecure
          - traefik.http.routers.cctv.tls.certresolver=cloudflare
          - traefik.http.services.cctv.loadbalancer.server.port=5000
          - proxy
        external: true

  • How do people store the streams from the camera that Frigate subscribes to? I was considering storing this in my in-network NAS. I have few zfs volumes on one of my machines which I use as my NAS, but not sure if there is a different recommended NAS storage that works better with Frigate?

    Local storage on my host (4TB SSD in my case, but a 4TB drive would work fine)

    I have Home Assistant running on my Raspberry Pi in the network. To what level does Frigate integrate with NAS?

    Aside from compute and storage from running the container on there? Not much

    How are all of you interacting with Frigate? Browser, mobile app, TV, etc. ?

    The web server it provides works great for playback of footage, clips and exporting video

    It’s also excellent for editing the config

    What kinds of notification mechanisms Frigate supports - email, push notifications, etc. ? I guess Home Assistant can be used for this part?

    Anything that works with MQTT should work

    Am I doing something against the grain here? Anything simpler I should be considering?

    Everything seems sane so far, just read the Frigate docs and you’ll be fine