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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • It’s no wonder conservatives and zealous religious folk are the same people: Both require not reading any of the source of material and just opting to just go on vibes(and the vibes are ass).

    Renting is valuable when one needs short-term access to something. Students travelling from afar, someone working abroad temporarily, or even someone just needing a car or a tool all make sense. But exactly as you quoted once everything is rented it all falls apart. There’s no competition anymore, no incentive to improve the building, no nothing. It’s not an easier avenue towards a solution to a problem but a necessity.

    Fuck capitalism. This whole thing’s a sham and anyone who can’t see it is willfully blind. It does’t even hide it and never has.

  • My favourite is when an old building raises prices to closer match new buildings. The property tax didn’t go up that much but now the same complex is renting units for twice as much as only a few years ago? The price they paid for the building didn’t go up so how are they justifying hundreds more per month as if anything has changed?

    It’s not even starting to be hidden, it’s just straight theivery.

  • Conservatives: We keep trying it and it keeps not working but I can’t handle change so I’m gunna pretend that my way is, like, morally correct or some shit and make it everyone else’s problem. Just one more lane bro. Just one more tax break bro. Please bro just one more private utility bro.

    Also Conservatives: We’re the party of fiscal responsibility! Sure none of our ideas make any sense and always cost more in the longterm but they make the selfish and economically illiterate people feel better about themselves so that’s a win for us!

  • Yes, everything is a slippery slope. It’s an aggressive binary to make it easy to understand and when something doesn’t fit that binary it must mean that it’s just a deliberate step in that direction, right?

    There’s that incredibly popular saying that goes “the right to swing your fist ends at my nose” and that applies to speech as well. When you make life easy for yourself and just say everyone can start smashing noses because stopping them infringes on their right to do so the only people you empower are those who want to do harm. Especially when that issue becomes applied to more than just fists and now it’s rich people buying weapons while poor people still just have their two hands. In social media that’s rich and/or powerful people using money and influence to try to sway elections with lies and deceit.

    This shit is hard, and complicated, and very often requires trust in things that are scary to trust or tell us things that might make us face something we don’t want to face. I understand that, really I do, and I’m sorry. Shit like libertarianism and adjecent ideologies promise easy answers and they’ve never delivered.

  • Sorry, I live in a country where you can’t just say slurs and shit all over people based on their race or sexuality. And I don’t really know about Brazil, to be honest, but I sure don’t give a fuck about the laws in the U.S. here since we’re talking about Brazil.

    At some point you have to put your foot down and you’re just going to have to deal with that. Tolerance is not a paradox if you have two braincells to knock together and the country does not need to tolerate someone trying to incite further violence on the basis that they’re upset about the results of a fair election.

    Lula won by 1% of the vote, Putin “won” with 88.48% of the vote and if you so much as say his name in the red square people come by to pull you away. These things are not the same and if you can’t understand that nuance then no wonder you fall for that “slippery slope” nonsense.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoEnough Musk Spam@lemmy.worldElon's Folly
    4 days ago

    Poking around I can’t find anything talking about the election being rigged at all, only older articles talking about Bolsanaro falsely claiming that the voting machines could be hacked and rigged.

    The accounts that were requested to be suspended seem to have all been in relation to their own version of Jan. 6 and were spreading conspiracy and lies about the election. That’s a pretty major national security risk, honestly, if they’re trying to incite people to respond against a fairly elected government with violence.

    Free speech is all well and good but not everything that flaps out of someone’s gums is protected. Hate speech isn’t, defamation is a crime in most places, fraud is a real thing, etc. If these people are using their platform to heat the waters in an attempt to tear down a democratically elected government that’s no fucking bueno, my dude.

    X also has a history of banning left-leaning accounts just because. He’s perfectly happy to silence political opponents for the right.

  • It still sounds weird. Like how is it that in a country like the U.S. these parties can wait to choose who will be the leader of the fucking United States as far as only two months before an election? Like, should they not have planned that shit ahead of time? I know the U.S. is a shithole but it’s a shithole with a tonne of power and influence and that feels…wrong. A bit “fast and loose” with democracy, ya know?

    I’m glad it meant the Dems could swap out Biden for someone with a pulse but fuck that’s weak.