• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I’m especially sensitive in my neck, so when it’s long enough to reach, I feel and am annoyed by it constantly. Like 10 years ago when I was growing out my short hair too I also just put it in a bun, but I left it there for so long because I was so sick of it that I literally had dreads when I took it to it eventually. Had those for a while until they got too long. I also feel like it’s a bit silly to have long hair if you’re only ever gonna have it in a bun. Why not just cut it off then. Same end result but way easier. I guess technically long hair in a bun is better if you want the option to have it loose, but to me that’s way more hassle than it’s worth.

  • Same here. It’s simply not as active as Reddit, obviously. But I found that I was wasting way too much time on Reddit anyway. Infinity was still working for free this whole time, which was the 3pa I used for years, but I still deleted it about a week ago. My sub feed was way less active and the all page was even worse than usual with 80% just aita kind of text posts. I’m on lemmy maybe 30 minutes a day, but that’s a good thing for me.

  • I’ve never had a car but am considering it for the first time in my life, at least temporarily. My upcoming internship is at a school in a relatively rural village, and it’s technically under the 1.5 hours travel time my college promises, but only by 10 minutes. Compared to the travel time by car which is 35-45 minutes depending on the time of day. Even in a country as dense and non-car friendly as the Netherlands it still sucks ass to get anywhere more rural without a car.

  • It was a pretty cheap barber which was all I could afford then, but it also means they don’t take quality as seriously as more expensive barbers. I’ve had a disconnected undercut for years and they were always messy as hell with the lines but I used to have long hair that I mostly wore down so it wasn’t really that visible. Now that it’s really short you can see everything and it just looks messy and ugly. It’s such a shame because the 20 minutes in silence was really amazing.

  • I moved into one of these buildings about 1.5 years ago and it’s indeed awesome. We also have no gas and tons of solar panels on the roof so last year with the insane energy prices in the whole of Europe I spend €2,83 for all my energy including heating for 8 months, and I’m easily cold so I always have the heating on. The only problem is as you say to get rid of heat in summer, but they opted for smaller windows than is standard so less heat is getting in in the first place. And because of the great insulation you also have pretty much no traffic noise from outside. The only complaint I have is that the mechanical ventilation can get quite loud when it’s windy outside, but the benefits are so overwhelming I can’t be that bothered by it.

  • She definitely knows and reacts to her name. I also don’t think all cats are dumb. It’s just that this particular one is a little dummy. Intelligence varies between cats just like it varies between humans or dogs or whatever other species on the planet. I’ve had four cats in my life and it’s pretty obvious who are a little more gifted in the intelligence department and who aren’t. I mean, she knows her own name and what happens right before the vacuum comes out, but God forbid you give her the absolute simplest treat puzzle in the damn world. She literally hasn’t figured out a single one in her 5 years on this planet while it took/takes my average or smart cats 30 seconds. I had a cat who was even dumber than her, but she was the runt of the litter and I think something was actually a little wrong with her, lol.

  • One of mine is pretty dumb but she does know I’m about to vacuum as soon as I pick up the first of her toys off the ground lol. Maybe that’s why she’s so dumb, I guess all of her intelligence points went into that and now there’s nothing left for other stuff

  • Yeah. To me it’s not even a fun philosophical exercise like thinking about what came before the big bang or if there is anything ‘outside’ of the universe. I feel like it’s a debate from before modern physics. Like, 500 years ago there was a lively debate on the matter of free will in a religious context. And I guess the only way to still believe in free will and its contradiction with the laws of nature is when you believe in God. But for everyone else it’s just so damn obvious free will can’t exist and it’s just human ego wanting to pretend we have control. ‘Free will doesn’t exist’ is as obvious and unimpactful of a fact to me as 2+2=4.