SixSidedUrsine [comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2022

  • Nah, Marxist-Leninist analysis of the 30’s is deep and paints an accurate picture of what was actually going down at that time based on material reality instead of… you know, vibes that help prop up the idealist liberal’s flawed worldview. But to the contrary, the NATO sycophants’ history books that just straight make shit up throughout the 20th century have an almost complete amnesia regarding many 21st century and especially recent events leading up to the current situation now. That way, they can just assign motivations willy nilly to the current actors involved, no matter how arbitrary or nonsensical so long as, again, it supports their worldview, as Marvel movie-like it may be, and even as untenable as it is in the face of any actual historical context. Kinda sad.

  • You can’t argue with these NATO shills. They’ll just deny history or try to rewrite it in such a way as so as to also deny the current inconvenient reality, move goalpoasts, and accuse anyone with any sense as being on “Putin’s payroll.” If you use a material analysis of the situation, they screech about how talking about realpolitik is… bad somehow or something? It’s a mess. Look at this /u/ loser right here in this very thread exemplifying what I’m talking about. They’re… equating “wokism” as a term with the concept of “escalation” (simply a thing that any sane person would agree does happen) and saying we use the latter the way chuds use the former. wut? lol. Lost the fucking plot. It’s nonsensical.

    These kind of people can’t be reasoned with. They just regurgitate the propaganda they know, no matter how many times it’s been easily and thoroughly debunked. And to claim we’re the ones that sound like CIA ops when they’re the ones spouting the US state department lines like the good little sycophantic useful idiots that they are and carrying water for open, proud, admitted Nazi fascists while they call us “tankie red fash.” The projection is so painfully obvious it’s literally embarrassing.

    I guess it could be a self defense mechanism for when one knows in the back of their mind that everything they’re saying is just pure ahistorical often chauvinist horseshit but they know their worldview would come crashing down if they didn’t do everything in their power to keep tilling it and shoveling it, so till it and shovel it they must. Truly, it’s… pathetic.

  • Oh no, not this again. If that’s what you see, then you aren’t really looking.

    Reposting something again, but putting it below a spoiler tag because it’s not relevant to what’s happening right now in Gaza - much more pressing atm.


    I didn’t write the following, but I think it is an excellent summary as to why it should be the position of Marxists and leftists in general to critically support Russia specifically with respect to the SMO. It was a response to someone saying they just didn’t like the war in general and that it’s just one capitalist state fighting a proxy war against another, similar to what you’re saying. While it’s understandable to feel that way, it is not materialist and it is failing to see the bigger picture. At the very least, I just think it’s something you might consider. The person who wrote that response is, but they’re apparently gone now or maybe using a new name.

    and this struggle is between two capitalist empires which both want to do more capitalism, so there’s no benefit to either side winning

    I keep seeing this take cropping up in online Western leftist circle and to be very honest, I always consider this to be the laziest takes on war for people claiming to be on the left.

    This is no different than saying that there is no difference for the left when it comes to whether the North or the South wins in the American Civil War because neither of them was socialist. Well, would it surprise you that Marx wrote an entire collection of essays just on analyzing the American Civil War?

    To quote Lenin from his Lecture on “The Proletariat and the War”, October 1 (14), 1914:

    For a Marxist clarifying the nature of the war is a necessary preliminary for deciding the question of his attitude to it. But for such a clarification it is essential, first and foremost, to establish the objective conditions and concrete circumstances of the war in question. It is necessary to consider the war in the historical environment in which it is taking place, only then can one determine one’s attitude to it. Otherwise, the resulting interpretation will be not materialist but eclectic.

    Depending on the historical circumstances, the relationship of classes, etc., the attitude to war must be different at different times. It is absurd once and for all to renounce participation in war in principle. On the other hand, it is also absurd to divide wars into defensive and aggressive. In 1848, Marx hated Russia, because at that time democracy in Germany could not win out and develop, or unite the country into a single national whole, so long as the reactionary hand of backward Russia hung heavy over her.

    In order to clarify one’s attitude to the present war, one must understand how it differs from previous wars, and what its peculiar features are.

    We can write entire essays about the war in Ukraine, and it is anything but “a war between American and Russian capitalists”.

    For one, if this is about Russia expanding its capital, why is the Russian Central Bank doing everything it can (including rate hikes and devaluing the ruble) to undermine Putin’s effort to achieve economic self-sufficiency in the face of unprecedented sanctions, and directly aiding the Western imperialist cause? If anything, it is stifling the expansion of Russian capital.

    Such narrative crumbles at the slightest inspection of what is actually going on within the Russian political and economic structures, and points to a more fundamental division that Michael Hudson had pointed out regarding the conflict between finance vs industrial capitalism.

    And we’re not even getting to the wider geopolitical implications of the war in Ukraine yet - what does it mean for Western imperialism? The anti-colonial struggles of the Global South? The effects on global financial institutions (IMF, World Bank, WTO) and the efforts to decouple from such oppressive structures (which is what de-dollarization is all about).

    We have to ask ourselves, what would a fascist victory in Ukraine mean for left wing movements in Eastern Europe? What could the total subjugation of Russia - a country that has large scale military equipments, raw resources and minerals, and agricultural products - to Western capital mean for the anti-colonial movements in the Global South?

    Leftists who refuse to apply a materialist and historical method to understand the world’s events will inevitably fail to see the underlying currents of the global state of events, and as such they cannot predict where the world is heading and will not be able to position themselves to take advantage of the impending crisis.

    After all, it was WWI that resulted in an explosion of socialist movements within the imperialist European states, why? Because the socialists back then actually combined theory and practice (what Gramsci referred to as praxis) to take advantage of the predicament.

  • I invite you to fuck off.

    Likewise. But while you’re at it, I’d also invite you to do some self crit and examine the contradiction and the “mea culpa” you correctly admitted to.

    move on to matters affecting actual children today instead of literally events from over 100 years ago please.

    This is more than just an academic question for some of us, even though it may be just that for you. And please don’t pretend like I’m the one focusing on what happened 100 years ago when everything I’ve said is about what’s going on right now.

    But fine, I am taking the above comment as a “disengage” so I’m doing the same.

    Uncritical support to the Palestinian resistance freedom fighters against the genocidal occupation. palestine-strong

  • There are material differences pointed out by ComradeCmdrPiggy that you conveniently ignored to make a blanket statement like “making apologisms for violence against teenagers you’ve lost the plot.” Turns out, you just draw the line at the killing of children in different material circumstances than both I and ComradeCmdrPiggy do. And your lines have more to do with some vague future potential than the actual immediate threat to those fighting for the liberation of their people. You can say I’m missing the forest for the trees, but by your own admission, you’re the one contradicting yourself.

    edit: fixed a word (blanket, not blatant).

  • Just because you started (and were on the correct side) of that struggle session doesn’t make you the arbiter of what gets discussed, weirdo. This IS the wrong place to bring up the Romanov kids struggle session, as you did. But pointing out the contradiction (which tbf he did himself point out as well) in someone’s arguments about what’s happening right now is not doing that.

    ComradeCmdrPiggy isn’t wrong - if a 15 year-old Israeli kid is, for example, pointing a gun at a Palestinian freedom fighter, no one should expect the Palestinian not to protect themselves and the necessary struggle for their liberation in whatever way possible. If that same kid is huddled down and simply trying not to die, but is present because their parents are colonizers, killing that kid would be fucking heinous. Someone enters this conversation with the understandable and justifiable take of “I’m in favor of Palestine engaging in violent resistance, but if you’re going to start making apologisms for violence against teenagers you’ve lost the plot.” That’s great, but then that person proceeds to say “well if that huddled, non-threatening, prisoner kid might inherit a dangerous position, they’re fair game. Scratch what I said earlier about apologisms for violence against teenagers being bad.” Pointing out the fact they’ve completely undermined themselves with respect to what they’re saying about this conflict right now isn’t just fair game, it’s completely relevant and on topic.

  • Have you even been following the war at all?! ive seen 4k videos of Russia bombing Ukrainian Civilians for months now

    Russia has been extremely restrained in destroying Ukrainian infrastructure, especially in the first year of the war. It has also made strong efforts to avoid civilian casualties. Considering it wants to incorporate the zones where there is the greatest conflict into being part of the Russian Federation, it’s not like this is surprising either. I’m sure this sounds shocking or ludicrous to someone who has been closely following along, and I do take your word for it that you have. But there is a very good reason for that. To explain:

    I have also been following the war extremely closely since the beginning, including from countless telegram channels of people on the ground on both sides in addition to official outlets and what I’ve seen is a massive amount of ridiculous false propaganda spewing out of Ukraine’s official outlets that the west eats up and repeats without question, often amplifying the false parts and making up even more. It is to the benefit of both the current Ukrainian rulers and the west to make this propaganda, so I’m not saying Ukraine is doing this to the west, I’m saying they’re both complicit. Yes, I’ve seen plenty of propaganda from Russia too, obviously, but it is nowhere near the same scale or level of outright lying about what’s actually happening on the ground, not because Russia is somehow above all that (it’s definitely not) but because it has far less need for such false propaganda. (It is also arguably not as good at propaganda as the West which has the most developed propaganda apparatus in the history of humanity).

    There is material reasons behind all of this. Ukraine relies almost entirely on NATO countries for its ability to wage war, this is not in question. It therefore needs to sell that war as not only just, but winnable - and whatever you you think of how just it is, it is definitely not winnable in terms of taking back the currently occupied regions let alone Crimea. That will simply never happen. NATO also has a vested interest in Ukraine winning this war, and in many ways is NATO’s proxy war, so it also has an interest in pushing this propaganda on the people of its member nations. However, Russia has ramped up production of its war machine (and is highly self sufficient despite what some western propaganda might say about them having to fight with shovels lol) and importantly is not dependent on other countries to wage this war. It doesn’t need to sell this war internationally and It doesn’t even need to sell this war to the Russian populace who already broadly support it. Hence the large difference in amount and severity of false propaganda. If you have been following the war closely, but you have been relying entirely or mostly on Ukrainian, Western, and NATO information (which is understandable because it’s really all you get offered in the west), you have been closely following a massively lopsided story being told to you by someone who isn’t just distorting fact, but outright lying.

    Since you specifically mentioned bombing of infrastructure, here is one example I just happened on in a different thread today. It’s from the New York Times, which has been one of the cringiest large network liars throughout the conflict, but even here they are making an admission that what was claimed to be Russian attack was actually Ukraine itself. This happens all the time but usually admissions aren’t made or are done very quietly so everyone believes the first story of “look at how horrible Russia is!” My suspicion is that admissions like these are starting to happen more often because there is beginning to be a shift in the narrative and propaganda as it becomes increasingly clear how unwinnable this is for Ukraine and NATO is beginning to look to pull support.

    NYT: Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy

    From their original article:

    A Russian missile strike in Kostyantynivka that killed at least 17 and injured more than 30 others was one of the deadliest in months.

    There are tons of other examples of this, but I don’t currently have access to the laptop I saved all my sources on. Anyway, the reality is that you are being lied to constantly about the crimes Russia is supposedly committing, at the very least, the severity of them. And it’s helpful to understand why.

    I know I’ll get called a Russian bot/shill for pointing these things out. Whatever. I have no love for Russia. Fuck Putin and the reactionary Russian government. But I really do despise the intensity of misinformation I’ve been witnessing and how it gets repeated by genuinely well-meaning people around me (I’m in the west too) who only have access to lies that are perpetuating death and human misery.

  • At the risk of being a little petty by using this post as an opportunity to address some things said to me on the locked thread I never got a chance to respond to:

    Comparing killing the Romanovs to not only dropping atomic bombs on civilians, but also to the Iraq War you really have no sense of scale at all huh.

    It has nothing to do with scale. It has to do with the justice (or rather injustice) of innocent people, kids nonetheless, being killed. I am so very aware of the scale. I am aware of the insignificant scale any of this makes in the geologic history of the earth. I am aware of the insignificance of the scale of less than a dozen people compared to thousands. I am also aware of the scale of being from a family where a single child was murdered. Gone. Dead. Lost. And while her snuffed out little life is not on the scale of the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and all the children wiped out from that despicable war crime, the life she won’t ever have is NOT FUCKING INSIGNIFICANT. I assure you, on the scale of her family and the people who loved that child, it matters. It always fucking matters. Got that? It always matters.

    I really don’t care about this at all, I’m sorry it makes you so upset.

    That’s very telling. I’d say thanks for your crocodile tear “sorries,” but I know you don’t care about the death of children who you don’t personally know because you said as much. A few kids a hundred years ago, right? Who cares? None of the kids murdered by the OG nazis will matter soon, so long as they’re taken on an individual basis. It’s only scale that matters.

  • This is a great effort post, thank you! A few early things to comment on though:

    While not exactly of practical significance given how few of us have Royal Families locked up in our basement

    That is of course true. But if anyone here is ever in a position where, ‘god willing,’ we are participating in a proletariat revolution (unlikely in the imperial core but much more likely outside it), this precedent most certainty could be of practical significance.

    This strand of amoral communism thus is not terribly interested in this discussion, and anyone here that adheres to that framework is excused from the discussion as having won the argument.

    Excused from it, yes, but not having “won” it. It is fundamentally a moral argument, which means the people taking that amoral position should have nothing to say on the matter outside of context-specific events where every eventuality is already known. What I mean, is that if the children of monarchs were to survive, we wouldn’t know that this would lead to even more death and suffering, which is the claim of the child-murder apologists. We don’t know that, even in retrospect with the killing of the Romanov children, it’s still a hypothetical. We do know that the collective capitalist world didn’t need any such excuse to use every means at their disposal to undermine it even in the most petty ways. If it’s the position the strict determinists take that morality should not be a consideration, it should also be the position they take on any argument where morality is in question.

    Choosing not to participate is a reasonable position, but it is not “winning,” only neutral at best. Morality exists, even if it is not the domain of a Marxism that only serves to describe the world and not change it. But isn’t that the point, as someone said?

    Excusing the murder of children for “practical” concerns will never be moral, and any Marxist who bases their politics on their sense of morality (even if doing so is not strictly 100% the vulgar materialism some here seem to advocate for), it is extremely common. What’s more, it is not in contradiction with a strict materialist approach.

  • I don’t know, if the marxists or anarchists I work with irl ever said that kind of shit, I wouldn’t work with them anymore (and we have discussed the topic). Simple as a that. Personally, I’m an atheist and haven’t come up against any contradictions between my leftism and my morality or humanism. But if religion is what it takes for people to recognize that killing kids because of some hypothetical future scenario is wrong and will never be justified, then I say keep the churches full.

  • but you shouldn’t be hoping for something that prolongs the war./

    lol, what do you think I’m “hoping” for? Stating the fact that Russia can easily do what it has been doing indefinitely (but Ukraine cannot) has nothing to do with my hopes.

    So is using a map of the countries supporting Ukraine to insinuate that the all the other countries must therefore be on Russia’s side.

    No one ever did any such thing, just noted that support comes in many forms other than military equipment, which Russia has mostly already covered for itself, even if it buys drone parts from Iran. Unlike Ukraine which now relies wholly and entirely on outside help for all of its material need. You changed the goalposts for what “support” means to make it sound like only military equipment counts as support, which is foolish because it isn’t what Russia needs. You’re just trying to move the goalposts all over the place to make it seem like you have some kind of valid point, but you don’t. Even if countries are not sending unneeded tanks, Russia still has plenty of support all over the world, mostly from countries who rightly recognize this as a struggle against the imperialism of the US and NATO which is beneficial to any anti-imperialists (including any actual leftists, even though so many western “leftists” drink deeply of their overlord’s propaganda).