I am aware that Amazon and other e-commerce giants have produced damages to our economies and that those huge profits do not drip down to the local communities but I do not agree that now we should hope for them to just disappear.
E-commerce won’t go away cause it is part of the technological progress and no one will stop using them on moral or ethical basis. They are here to stay and the sooner we accept it the sooner we can understand that these realities have to be at least reformed or forced to comply to regulations.
Hoping for people and economies to just radically change is in my opinion just delusional.
Asked Le Mistral on some ideas and I think they could be a starting point for a more productive discussion on this topic. Amazon and other big e-commerce corporations hinder progress on circular economy and on sustainable local commerce. How could these realities be reformed so to better help with these issues?
I read it but my reply was aimed at the general discussion vibe here, where many where expressing stronger opinions on the matter