Unfortunately, the Traitor in Chief really likes Hitler and enjoys giving Putin a reacharound. I don’t like our odds for having peace.
Unfortunately, the Traitor in Chief really likes Hitler and enjoys giving Putin a reacharound. I don’t like our odds for having peace.
Considering the shadow fleet, attempted assassinations, and assorted sabotage Russia has committed against the EU, I think a formal declaration of war would be warranted. The longer that Putin and Russia is allowed to live, the more likely that the US and Russia would spit roast Europe.
It is best to kill Russia before the United States formally declares war against the EU.
Wise is definitely on my radar. I will go for it. Also, I should get my passport if I can. Who knows what kinds of interesting times we will live in?
I guess he will hang up curtains in the market aisles, so that people don’t know that they are bare at a glance.
Shit rolls downhill, and Trump is crouching on top of the turd pile.
I think “Roosevelt Party” has potential. You can make two mascots for the ads, one being Theodore and the Franklin, each designed to appeal to the right or left among Americans. Theodore, for example, using guns to hunt down moose, advocating for national parks and peace with Canada.
Also, someone can commission an Epic Rap Battle between the two, who then dunk on Trump and Elon.
I think that if the Good Guys replace Nazi America with something new, they should engineer a new economic system where everybody’s survival is guaranteed. If you have basic but genuine shelter, food, utilities, and so forth to rely upon, you can go out to protest or strike without worrying much about your wellbeing.
The current economy might as well be willfully designed to keep an economic boot on our necks. We can’t afford the time, risk, or afford travel to do what is right. We should make money not used for survival, instead making it solely for buying luxury goods - a fancy car that isn’t government issue, meals that aren’t Generic Corn Flakes #1, and so forth.
Capitalism is good for supplying the demand for things that align with a person’s hobbies and interests, but is utterly worthless when it comes to survival. We should fix that, by ensuring that billionaires cannot exist, and use their freed capital to fund a genuine UBI for all.
I want to see a gun duel between Luigi and Trump. We can put together an Old West stage town, and let it play out.
I really hope that the EU introduces a global payment and banking system that is agnostic. I don’t want to be under MasterVisa’s thumb, and would prefer to keep the bulk of my money as Euros instead of American Dollars. Problem is, as an American, I can’t readily use Euros in my daily life.
Here’s hoping the EU can strike up a solution with Blue States, so that I don’t need to ask Musk for permission to buy anything.
Yeah, that is what happened to DLSite. It sells Japanese media such as hentai, so Visa & Mastercard put a universal ban on their products, no matter the category. It is a 1st Amendment violation IMO, since they are gatekeeping an entire culture.
I can easily see MasterVisa banning European or Canadian merchants for the sake of a Trump Regime.
I think under a UBI scenario, people should get to pick the city they want to reside in, then get assigned a public housing unit(s) for their immediate family. They can also be provided free public transport, and a basic UBI vehicle with free fuel.
Ideally, people would have a bedrock of UBI services to rely upon for their wellbeing, and money is turned into something solely used for lifestyle upgrades: Buying a house of the quality, size, and location you want, a fancier non-UBI car, brand-name food or supplies, private school, ect.
Fifteen birds in five fir-trees, their feathers were fanned in a fiery breeze! But, funny little birds, they had no wings! O what shall we do with the funny little things? Roast 'em alive, or stew them in a pot; fry them, boil them and eat them hot?
Burn, burn tree and fern! Shrivel and scorch! A fizzling torch To light the night for our delight, Ya hey!
Bake and toast 'em, fry and roast ’em till beards blaze, and eyes glaze; till hair smells and skins crack, fat melts, and bones black in cinders lie beneath the sky!
So dwarves shall die, and light the night for our delight, Ya hey! Ya-harri-hey! Ya hoy!
If they got the coop working and user-friendly, I might be able to convince someone to join me for a playthrough. Regardless, I will certainly pick up a copy - SS2 deserves my money, and I want Night Dive to keep bringing back the good stuff.
I think the very best thing we can do for Bernie, is to win the political fight and install Roosevelt Administration v3.0 into power, and get genuine reform normalized.
It would be best if he can pass on from this world, knowing he had his part in creating a far better world.
I will put forward a radical suggestion for Progressive candidates in 2028: physically take control of television studios at key points, and make your message. This is because FOX and other mass-media channels are in the pocket of conservatives, so they will try to downplay or outright ignore Progressives, in an attempt to deplatform them among the general public.
While online social platforms like Bluesky or physical locations like churches would be key for messaging, television is a major mouthpiece of the 1%. It will be important to steal the megaphone on occasion.
The studios almost certainly will speak only for Trump when not busy with glazing his nethers.
By making America seem like a good neighbor. Would you lend a hand to someone who doesn’t treat you decently?
Treaties, military aid, investment, all of them requires the feeling that things will turn out alright if you get involved. A dickhead like Trump makes it clear that he would shank you and fuck your mother, just because he feels likes it. To say the least, no reasonable or good person would want to associate with a Trumpian nation.
Nations within and without, are built on relationships.
Honestly, I would be alright with this if the AI companies paid Github so that the server infrastructure can be upgraded. Having AI that can figure out bugs and error reports could be really useful for our society. For example, your computer rebooting for no apparent reason? The AI can check the diagnostic reports, combine them with online reports, and narrow down the possibilities.
In the long run, this could also help maintainers as well. If they can have AI for testing programs, the maintainers won’t have to hope for volunteers or rely on paid QA for detecting issues.
What Github & AI companies should do, is an opt-in program for maintainers. If they allow the AI to officially make reports, Github should offer an reward of some kind to their users. Allocate to each maintainer a number of credits so that they can discuss the report with the AI in realtime, plus $10 bucks for each hour spent on resolving the issue.
Sadly, I have the feeling that malignant capitalism would demand maintainers to sacrifice their time for nothing but irritation.
I think we need an entirely different economic model, where there are hard limits on income, wealth, and assets. I don’t mind people being wealthy, but that definition should be something like: “I am a CEO, I get paid twice as much as a waitress. I own a very nice house, a small yacht, and spend time riding horses at the country club. My husband works as a mechanic, and only makes $10,000 less a year than me.”
It would require a huge rethink on economy, the nature of wealth, implementing a strong UBI, and replacing the dollar with a fresh currency. Still, I think a complete replacement of how things were done would be key for America to become a nation worthy of the people who live in it.
The lack of a primary does two things: It prevents the selection of a good candidate, but also robs the anointed of legitimacy. The DNC doesn’t believe in democracy, and told voters as much by putting its fingers onto the scale. Or removing the scale outright, in the case of Kamala.
You cannot prove your merit, if there is no contest.
Personally, I would like a Japanese karoke-style room system for the theater. Sit back, relax, and watch the video in peace. Order snacks and drinks for delivery, and maybe snuggle up with your partner. No children, just you and a time away from life.