I’m just in awe about those 28% and 33% tax brackets. I’m in the 49,5% bracket here in The Netherlands. That being said, I’m fortunate to be in it.
I’m just in awe about those 28% and 33% tax brackets. I’m in the 49,5% bracket here in The Netherlands. That being said, I’m fortunate to be in it.
Is it that simple? Because in my situation it wasn’t, I wasn’t driving very fast and the situation changed quickly. I was just cruising and following the car in front of me that I could see, but as the fog quickly got thicker, the car in front of me had to emergency brake, and as did I. My car detected that quicker than I did, for which I’m grateful.
“See, I told you they are attacking us!” /s
There are plenty examples of religious leaders raping and killing children and other offenses. But I guess they are above it all then?
This reads like the post Brexit articles. What do people expect to happen when they vote for something?
Exactly, my previous car (BMW) once saved me in the fog by emergency braking for something I wasn’t able to see yet. My current car (Tesla) shuts down almost all safety features when the camera’s can’t see anything, so I doubt it will help me in such situations. The only time my Tesla works well is in perfect conditions, but I don’t live in California.
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Have a look at Home Assistant! It’s a great open source smart home platform that recently released a local (so not processing requests in the cloud) voice assistant. It’s pretty neat!
Canine together, strong!
Well, I guess you’re all satisfied, it seems to be guaranteed /s
So if I understand it correctly, there is literally nothing stopping anyone in the US to start such a party and participate. The only thing is that the party might not accumulate enough votes to be of relevance. It might be worth a shot if there is sufficient momentum (which currently there seems to be from my arm chair point of view).
Nice Shot!
Ignorant Dutchman here:
What’s stopping anyone from starting a new Workers’ party in the US? A multi party system seems more favorable than its current state.
Tesla was ahead 10-15 years, sure. But they mostly lost that lead. Yes, their software is great, but at the same time Tesla doesn’t seem to be able to do basic car features right. For instance, it doesn’t have a rain sensor and relies on the front facing camera to detect rain. I can tell you from experience that it doesn’t work as well as a sensor. It’s even worse when it detects rain, while it is completely dry. But you cannot turn the wipers off, because then you won’t be able to use cruise control anymore. Cruise control, which by the way (non FSD) is shit in comparison to the competition.
The tablet might be a couple years ahead of the competition. The value they bring in bang for buck with a great feature package is also greatly competitive. But the car is behind when it comes to just normal car things. I have buttons on my steering wheel as indicators for fuck sake, a problem we already fixed when we were still prosecuting Nazis.
To be honest, I think we are well passed that scenario. Even if Putin dies today, his puppets in Russia will grab for power. Meanwhile, they still own the president of the US. They know they have the support needed to win in Ukraine, they will use it to build trust with the citizens of Russia and show strength. Even better, the US will be weakened in supporting Russia, but that’s not really a bad scenario for Russia either.
until Trump determines that Ukrainian leaders are making a genuine effort toward peace.
They are literally shooting every Russian they spot on their soil, how is that not making a genuine effort toward peace?
Mostly in the US though, but unfortunately the US is leaking :(
I don’t disagree, but what’s up with climate? Of all the things I change during a drive, climate is probably the least used one. IMO, if the car has a decent HVAC system, it should be set and forget (less the defroster and A/C max in summer).
It might be that manufacturers see in their data that most people use it set and forget nowadays anyways, which made the cost cutting decision easier.
The NCAP score for these should be -5, no way that is safe!
It’s WYSIWYG all over again…
I’d probably be all right, Tyria looks nice this time of year. At least as long as the Charr play along.