• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Whenever you hear about those “the world is getting better and better every day, nearly a billion people have come out of poverty in the last X years” statistics, just know, all of those people were pulled out of poverty in China, by their (kinda) socialist government.

    Few people if any come out of poverty in capitalist countries and countries imperialized from the West (rather, as many people fall into poverty as get out of poverty).

    Socialism is pulling people out of poverty, feeding them, housing them, give them healthcare, etc. Capitalist nations keep the global south poor in order to exploit cheap labor.

    It’s about trends and direction. The USSR back in it’s growth days pulled 300 million people out of poverty. This is a core feature of communism, to feed, house, and heal, every single person.

  • Nice, reasonable explanation comrade! Just in case anyone didn’t know, TheDeprogram has a good wiki page on whataboutism that covers this nicely as well.

    But yeah, people will find that we communists do criticize socialist governments, past and present, and do find flaws in China’s system. You just have to come to the communist subs and read around, or ask honest questions. But on platforms like this, where obvious lies, biases, and if nothing else, just one-sided reporting is rampant, we need to balance out the rhetoric. Of course capitalist countries (past and previous) have jailed journalists and those that have pushed back against American imperialism. Native Americans, Middle Easterners, Mexico, are just a short list of those that we constantly oppress.

    China keeps making the news because western media keeps putting them in the news, even if it is for things that the USA or western Europe is also currently doing (You don’t think the USA and Europe don’t ban websites, do you? Have they ever forcefully sterilized people? Yes. Have they ever taken journalists prisoners… obviously yes… Oppressed religions? Duh… The list goes on and on). Calling out these non-western nations for doing these things is simply adding fuel to the fire to create a monolithic opinion that the USA or Europe is the best place on earth.

    If you are on Elysium, things looks pretty great, and you can look down upon the others and judge them easily, while extracting their resources and causing their struggles in the first place. Being taken out of your bubble feels really uncomfortable, but it’s the first step in learning.

  • Developers find some pretty good use out of it, but it’s not useful for fully building applications or anything. More like helping debug simple problems and predict reasonably easy code.

    Regular people are using it as grammar checkers, but since it can explain grammar rules more thoroughly than other tools can, it’s more useful for learning why some rules exist.

    I use it to summarize long articles. Right now I’m using Kagi the most for summarizing websites into small paragraphs so I can see if there’s more details I would like to read about in the article. Kagi actually has some good search features too, and it can summarize the top findings into an explanation. It’s a great starting point to search non-political and mostly non-controversial information.

  • Not op, and I agree, but wanted to clarify what I think is that commenters thoughts and why they might have said what they said.

    The point is that they don’t know what it’s like to not have running water, and they just can’t mentally put themselves in the position of someone who doesn’t have it, making it hard to emphasize and thus, fight for the rights of those people, instead of, for example, caring about if they have a new car every 3 years (or funko pops as the deprogram guys joke about).

  • Wow it’s like you are in my head. I was engaging with a group recently on another forum and felt the whole “I tried to give a good faith argument, but got called a tankie right away then a slew of baseless attacks on my character for no reason, and by people who clearly didn’t read what I wrote”.

    It’s fucking exhausting, and actually it is nice to just chill here and read memes and laugh at some shit because I just need that time to cool off.