That’s actually ironic, fascism to protect against fascism.
Who are you to determine how I react?
That’s actually ironic, fascism to protect against fascism.
Who are you to determine how I react?
You cant post your way out of trying to tell people not to try and post their way out of fascism.
Ah, shame i’ll have to block another fascist community.
I think your whole first paragraph is just posturing, maybe i did speak incorrectly, i dont care.
In your economic system, if I make a machine that makes something, and sell it to a guy, what happens to that machine if what it makes is important or valuable?
Likely to get him to stay in the position because the board or whatever thinks he is worth that much to keep on. I’m not saying they got their moneys worth but they obviously thought so. They arent handing him a bonus as big as that as a pat on the back.
I didn’t read past the abject lie that is “A lot of Batistas work full the jobs actually”.
You realise capitolism isnt the boogey man right, if you see problems with it then your problem lies with the consumer, nothing is sold until its bought.
Let me ask you, what mode of commerce should we all ascribe to?
Sorry, I just assumed because you seemed to be at about that level.
Okay, you go do whatever you can to that face and come back and tell me what changed. The answer will be nothing.
By shit work i mean unskilled labour basically. It’s not worth much for a reason. I dont see why you would ask me that.
Some business operate on unskilled labour, it shouldnt be a surprise that its not paid well, just because something doesnt pay well doesnt mean the company shouldnt exist, and since when did anyone expect that a part time job at startbucks could or should be able to fully support a person? That’s fucking ludicrous. And before you start with people have to take what they can get, yes thats true and starbucks isnt responsible for that shortfall, in a real socialist democracy, that should be taken up by welfare if needed.
I understand the gut reaction to go after the CEO or board for making decisions that affect so many people, but it doesnt help, its misdirected energy that should go to the government.
We cant expect any company to do what in the interest of the workers, unless its financially beneficial. The best way to handle this is to use government to reign in corps to limits we can be happy with.
I stand by all I’ve said, but I respect your position, i just think it’s misguided.
Cyberpunk 2025
Dozen today or half dozen tomorrow.
There’s a fucking recession coming you dolt, ofcourse large companies are going to dump people, and it doesnt take a psychopath to do it.
Your hearts in the right place, but if you cant be realistic about the why and how of running a business, i dont want your opinions.
Great, well I dont buy any of your arguments as genuine as they might seem, i think you just like feeling superior. So enjoy knowing i dont care.