German, Dad, GM , Mini Painter, 3D Printer, dysfunctional gifted kid - he/him

  • 25 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Hey! I got my diagnosis the same age as you are now.

    I think giving those struggles a name and knowing what to Google for when looking up help, that is adding adhd to search, made things a bit easier.

    Plus knowing I’m not lazy and incompetent is nice. My brain works in a way which makes daily life as most people have it tricky is all.

    For me when I get tasks thrown at me while doing something, I just stop. That doesn’t work for me at all.

    I need all tasks upfront, then I make a list and order how I’ll do them, hopefully. My partner and I both know this and adjust accordingly. But we’ve been doing this since way before my or her diagnosis.

    We both found out in our mid thirties we got adhd. I got diagnosed when I was treated for depression. When reading up on it I basically diagnosed my wife and she got properly diagnosed a while after.

    TLDR for your issue Imo In the end it doesn’t matter if it’s an adhd thing or now. Talk it out and find a way to distribute tasks which works for both of you.

  • RQG@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldLet's gooooooo.
    14 days ago

    Many people say this. However of those who talk the talk, barely any ever walk the walk.

    However I think if you are born an heir to a billionaire, you’d lack the perspective which might foster selfless philanthropy.

    I’d like to think that if someone from the working class would randomly get such money they would. But it still seems unlikely.

  • Betroffen sind nicht nur Privatpersonen, sondern auch Fuhrparkverwaltungen, Vorstände und Aufsichtsratsmitglieder von DAX-Konzernen sowie diverse Polizeibehörden in Europa. So wurden beispielsweise Bewegungsdaten von 35 elektrischen Streifenwagen der Hamburger Polizei erfasst und auf der VW-Plattform für Dritte einsehbar gespeichert.

    Auch sensible Daten zu nachrichtendienstlichen und militärischen Aktivitäten wurden erfasst: So fanden sich unter anderem Datensätze aus dem Parkhaus des Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND) und vom Militärflugplatz der United States Air Force in Ramstein

    Da besteht ja glatt ne Chance, dass das auch Konsequenzen haben könnte.