Crazy to think that one of twenty people I meet outside use Linux
Seems to have become one of the fundamental rules of the Internet now, I approve 👍
Ohhhh, I desperately want this to happen!
This is crazy. I’m in exactly the same situation and have been thinking about getting a mobile plan with a Pixel 8 (where I would install GrapheneOS on) as those are getting cheaper with the Pixel 9 out not.
“it’s called free software, but copyleft licenses restrict what you can do with it, therefore it’s unfree!!1!” or so they say
Sorry, what exactly do you mean by looking lazy? Who looks lazy & why? “Grow old enough” seems mildly like a personal insult given I just shared that I’m still in school, which classically comes with prejudice in the web, so I don’t think it’s really advantageous to the diversity of discourse here to attack someone in a way that could be interpreted to be related only to them sharing their age.
I actually don’t get the general hate for AI (EDIT: for education) here.
To be clear, I don’t think AI-assisted learning in this specific way is a great idea, but for people wo were taught to be sceptic of what LLMs produce learning with LLMs can actually be kind of great. You can ask it very specific or even “dumb” questions and it will explain in great detail and spend way more “time” with your individual questions than a teacher normally could, leading to you being able to learn at your own pace. Also, from my experience as a student current LLMs are better at explaining than the average teacher is.
Overall, I think our education system is largely outdated and schools of the future won’t look like one teacher explaining and 25 people more or less not listening and I suspect a more individualistic way with supportive teacher roles will lead to better education over all.
I, too, don’t love the use of AWS/Cloudflare, while I get that you can simply replace AWS S3 with something else for backups, this server setup is innately based on using Cloudflare.
ja, als einer der wenigen kann ich nur sagen: irgendwas mit Digitalkompetenz und echt besorgniserregend
Aber schon immer noch echt alt für ein soziales Netzwerk (bin in den wenigen unter 20-jährigen hier :D)
I like being minimalist about being a minimalist both in terms of humor and showing consistent goals.
This is sooooo incredibly sad!!! I’m currently on an older iPhone and probably getting a Pixel next month; I would really have liked it if there were a bigger variety of phones where I could live truly Google-free, and I would much prefer not having to give Google money to not be reliant on Google…
Actually, I can’t help but find this more socially/ecologically viable than the alternative–which wouldn’t be that suddenly all of these people drove all electric, but rather not at all or even bought completely new gas cars.
Außerdem: 2-Sockel-Systeme sind real und können dir weh tun.
Ich bin anderer Meinung, denn wir sehen bereits die Resultate ihrer „Denk“prozesse, und da Bekämpfung der dahinterstehenden Ideologie langwierig ist, kann man fürs erste ja ihre Denkprozesse etwas verlangsamen, der Vergleich mit einer Autoimmunerkrankung drängt sich auf…
Wikipedia will keep running, even if you don’t donate. The Wikimedia foundation (which runs Wikipedia) gets a lot of donations and fund a ton of other stuff apart from Wikipedia, so you’re donation will rather have a chance to decide if these keep running.
Honestly, I’d be more than happy if they just invented regular trains (even if their version would probably worse in ways not even imaginable as of now), because that would mean more money in train infrastructure.
So… yeah, you did it! You built something really cool and completely new! And don’t look over there, that’s just… copycats?