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Joined 27 days ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2025


  • This is suppose to be a Canadian app why are we flooded with everything that’s happening in america? Fook off with this shite from down south they have enough platform to push they bullshit let this app be about what’s going on in Canada for Canadians. I’d rather even hear what’s going on in any other country than the USA It doesn’t say world news or USA news - it’s suppose to be news that relates to us living here in Canada!

  • You should dry your vegetables and press all the water out of them with a paper towel. And I mean you need to press them pretty hard and get the maximum amount of water out. You could par bake your crust if it’s still soggy even after drying your veggies. Another way is to make a cast iron pizza where you start the pizza for the first two minutes on the stove top while it’s in the cast iron pan and put it in the oven for the remainder of the time (15min at 500)

    Hope this helps

  • Wages being diminished by immigration is a wild assumption based more on personal sentiment than reality. Immigrating to Canada is Not easy. And we need that population growth to sustain our quality of life.

    We need the immigrants for their labour,  because we have a shortage of qualified labour. More people working together is  how you’ll get housing built faster.

    They’ve  done a lot for housing but this is a sector where results aren’t instant it takes time to build and if you don’t have a strong GDP - buying the materials and paying the labour you need cost more and the end results is it cost more for us too.  The cost of building falls back on buyers and renters alike.

    We’re not building nearly as much subsidized housing as we need but you can thank conservatives for that one.

    Conservatives are the ones who cut public funding for subsidized housings that are more affordable and pushed it into the hands of the private sector, under Brian Mulroney leadership. And now the liberals are the baddies? The conservatives are the ones who failed poor people, by cutting subsidized housing in exchange for lower taxes and made it the private sectors problem to build housing. The private sector isn’t a charity they are for profit and rightfully so. Subsidized housing is a public sector responsibility.

    Improvements have been made - where now rent can count towards your credit, boosting renters credit so they can have an easier time getting a mortgage in the future. https://www.equifax.ca/about-equifax/press-releases/-/intlpress/equifax-canada-and-frontlobby-complete-first-rental-tradeline-study

    But even programs like this take time to implement just like it takes time to build that credit. People need to have more patience if they want things done right.

    Even in countries like Japan where they have so little immigrants that it could almost be considered no immigration - employees there have taken pay cuts, even ceos to keep a company afloat. It suck and it’s not easy to find yourself in that situation but lashing out by pointing fingers isn’t the solution.  A pay cut is better than cutting jobs.

    What’s been accomplished is Not dwarfed by housing/rent prices. Just like you don’t enjoy the pay cuts no one else does. No one owes you their labour for free.

    Start a spreadsheet and monitor your spending and set goals to accomplish. I grew up poor, my mother was a cleaning lady and my father was a waiter and they managed to succeed getting paid minimum wage! They made it work by being diligent of their spending and planning wisely.

    A lot of poorer people I know today have a lot more than I ever had growing up so the world is improving. The difference is poor people today feel more entitled to what would have been considered luxuries when I was growing up.

    You sound bitter and like you’re looking for any random person to blame over holding yourself accountable for your own shortcomings. People make bad decisions and there a lots of programs to help them but nobody is going to do the work for you.

    And you still sound like a Russian agent trying to create division by putting blame on immigrants who didn’t cause the situation we are all in.