• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • I should say that there’s a fair bit of spin here.

    The Ramses mausoleum was famous in antiquity because it was believed to also be the tomb of Memnon, a figure from the Trojan war. It got tons of visitors, and it was “customary” that they would leave their signature on the wall. We have records of at least one instance where some rich Roman official had his secretary do the chiseling. The grave was guarded and this was allowed. The Egyptians probably considered it a way of honouring the grave.

    Indeed, in almost all cases, these graffity are written on empty spaces, and do not cover drawings or hieroglyphics, and as you can see in the picture it’s also the case in this instance.

  • OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlChina bad, USA good
    10 months ago

    I don’t think you know much about China or the USSR. I suggest you read up on both, before spouting Western propaganda, especially if you claim to be a communist. I’m sorry to say, you sound more like a liberal, or at best a social democrat, at this point in your (I’m guessing) young life.

    Edit: this comment is replying to a different commemt than the one you might be seeing as the parent. Probably got deleted.

  • For this shift to happen and China not get weakened because of it, 2 conditions need to be met:

    1. the retraction of capitalist power projection around the world. Primarily, the ability of imperialist powers to impose their will around the globe through economic warfare, covert actions and military threats needs to be limited. Ideally the imperialist powers don’t need to only be weaker, but they also need to be pitted against each other, so their power structures (like NATO) are ineffective enough to not be a threat. The effects of the Ukraine war and the disastrous handling of COVID by the West might have seemingly already achieved this to an extend, but there’s a long way to go.
    1. strengthening the economies of any potential allies to the extend where they can create a front that is powerful enough to withstand or deter capitalist intervention, while not being dependant solely on Chinese economic, industrial and military power. Remember that one reason for the downfall of the USSR was that it diverted so much of its resources into developing its military capabilities, since nobody else in the Soviet bloc or its allies could contribute significantly against the Cold War. This is a pitfall that China is trying hard to avoid with its non-interventionism, as they have stated repeatedly.

    Therefore, it very much depends on the state of the world by then. My personal opinion is that China are already laying the groundwork for these 2 conditions to be met with their initiative to economically boost the global south with their road-and-belt initiative and BRICS. Giving third-world nations an alternative to engaging with the US-led capitalist economy, and taking away raw resources from the imperialist machine is key to this.

  • I would say Ukraine is definitely a fascist state at this point. The (Western) corporations are telling the government what to do and who to appoint where, all leftist parties and unions are banned and their leaders killed or imprisoned, and the military is run by Nazis.

    If Ukraine ever comes out of this war and still exists, Zelenski will likely be murdered by the Nazis. He’s their tool, in that the Western audience loves him, and his Jewish descent and “progressiveness” serve to deflect attention away from them. But they still see him as a gay-loving “filthy Jew”, and had no qualms in the past stating this (and now, these same people are getting awards and cushy positions in the government, as Zelenski is attempting to bribe them).

    If he somehow manages to survive, it will be because the West will give him safe harbor and a mansion, probably somewhere in the UK.

    But at the end, the Nazis will seize power directly, and will stay there for a long while.