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Cake day: April 17th, 2023

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    • a stevedidWHAT @ I -1 • 6 hours ago F Tibet APY#P#(* The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 KIPS A FiX The Tiananmen Square Massacre #›|* # The Anti-Rightist Struggle A HI I It # The Great Leap Forward X1LA # A$ The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 1 # Human Rights F. Democratization El I Freedom 15 I Independence % =#| Multi-party system EX Taiwan Formosa +#5 Republic of China F ‡18 #### Tibet IRom Dalai Lama ›MI Falun Dafa WaNt #WE Ale The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region ###IT# Nobel Peace Prize F a winniethePoohAESWEAr

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    Way too many times I’ve been talking with someone who called me a tankie, and I ask them why it seems like China and Vietnam have such high approval for their respective states. That’s when it starts coming out. They’ll say communism is just a better fit for their culture, or that the people there are more easily brainwashed, or that the approval ratings are all lies. It’s so racist and disgusting. ^ 7

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    axont [any,they/them] &3 7 • / 7 hours ago The only common thread I’ve noticed is that it always refers to an imperial core person admiring something foreign. You’re somehow not a tankie if you’re actually from China and you’re a Marxist- Leninist. In that case you’re just an authoritarian. But if you’re from Canada and you say nice things about China? Then you’re a tankie. There’s some kind of nationalist brainworm built into the term. There’s some kind of conception that foreigners just do socialism incorrectly, but white people can do it properly through…I don’t know, voting every 4 years, or begging for it nicely or making a utopian settlement in the woods. But if you’re a white person who wants revolutionary socialism, you’ve allowed scary foreign devils to pollute your mind and you’re a tankie now. Telling liberals that being a “tankie” is the overwhelmingly most normal position for communists worldwide shortcircuits their brains. They can only conceive of three types of communists: Idiot white teenagers from imperialist countries, cynical dictators, and brainwashed foreigners who can’t think properly because they’re foreign.

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    @fan_srpelo pre 1 godine How tf did mexixo and canada lose 3/4 of their population 13 12 4 Odgovori ^ 3 odgovora (P @pzwang4109 pre 1 godine Genocide 134 S Odgovori (s @irenaveksler1935 pre 8 meseci @pzwang4109 still Canada losing that much doesn’t make sense Odgovori @flying0possum pre 2 meseca I assume because America had to assert a lot of resources on Mexico and Central America because realistically there would be insurrections to a scale higher than the Taliban. I guess also chem, bio, etc. are on the table so I suppose as this is just a hypothetical scenario that the world uses all of it’s capabilities regardless of morals (besides china, russia, k, iran, etc. because they don’t have any to begin with) 1 ST Odgovori

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    OMG! Based! The Ghost of Königsberg sunk the Russian Flagship! It’s over for Russia! WAOW! 66 Kronstad 23:9 41 LMAO! It’s over for Russia! This picture of a destroyed Russian tank proves the Germans have won the war! LOL and look at the long list of Russian generals that have been killed. It’s over, Vatniks! The German 6th Army was successful in its mission of tying up Russian forces in Stalingrad, and they have now been safely evacuated. It took the Russians 5 months to take the city. LMAO! What a bunch of losers! The Russians will never be able to defeat the Volkssturm; but even if they do, they will eventually be defeated by prolonged insurgency It’s over for Russia!

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  • Image 1 text Inken Paper @crashglasshouses@tsukihi.me capitalist shit SHOW LESS @tillianisafox democratic socialism is yet another different animal that belongs more closely with social democracy and the other misnomers used to describe capitalist reformism. we want libertarian socialism, free of state, free from capitalism. Marx was part of the reason Lenin decided he could use the idea of state communism. Marx believed such a thing could be possible. but Lenin was much more inspired by the Jacobins, who were inspired by Robespierre, the architect of mass executions by guillotine during the first French revolution, whose own head was chopped by what he had created. Lenin was never a communist. his political party was first called the Social Democratic Party of Russia, which can tell you a lot about everything he did from that time forward. the Bolsheviks were the bourgeois wing of Lenin’s party. the Menscheviks were the lower-class wing, containing mostly Jewish party members, who were treated horribly by the Bolsheviks. all of the best things in Lenin’s Russia were given to the upper classes. his Tcheka would murder organising workers. strikes were outlawed. he turned the Soviet, which is supposed to be a workers’ council, into a council of bosses. Lenin was a fascist, the USSR was fascist. Feb 24

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