Protip: Invest in a cheap bidet attachment for your toilet. You’ll be cleaner, suffer less irritation to your sensitive regions, and use much less toilet paper.
Protip: Invest in a cheap bidet attachment for your toilet. You’ll be cleaner, suffer less irritation to your sensitive regions, and use much less toilet paper.
While the bill attempts to mitigate the criminal risk for providers handling pregnancy complications, it leaves intact the most powerful deterrent: steep penalties of up to $100,000 in fines, 99 years in prison and loss of medical license for those who violate the law.
If I’m a doctor, there is no way I’m sticking my neck out, even if this law opens the door a crack. No one wants to be the test case for what is or isn’t going to send you to prison for the rest of your life.
Yes, but what about for those of us outside of the Oval Office?
Why would he compensate “ANTIFA”?
One out of touch senior citizen says that another out of touch senior citizen should remain in power.
The banning of cigarettes in bars and restaurants made a huge difference. It used to be when you’d get into the shower the morning after going out, you’d reek of cigarettes. It was mind-blowing when that went away.
We know very little about the gut microbiome, so with very few exceptions, probiotic supplements are more or less useless and potentially unhelpful. Your best bet is to consume lots of fiber from varying sources, and eat fermented foods daily with live cultures (e.g, yogurt, sauerkraut, natto, etc.) There is a great blog, Eat Shit and Prosper, written by a microbiome scientist that is interesting and entertaining.
Gut microbiome dysbiosis is a hallmark of aging, so the meme checks out.
It’s almost as if relentless chaos makes it difficult for people to have confidence in the future.
It really makes clear exactly who the government serves these days.
“Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.”
I guarantee they’ll try to put him on Mr. Rushmore.
Bring back Danny Ric!
Newsom has always been a politician first, and now he sees the wind blowing MAGA and seems to be charting a MAGA-lite course. He has no principles or ethics, it’s all about what will bring him power.
My eyes told me the same thing.
Let’s see… In the 2024 presidential election West Virginia voted for checks notes Donald J. Trump, with just under 70% of the vote. I guess they didn’t expect the leopards to eat their faces.
Because things don’t turn on a dime. It’s going to take some time (and reductions in corporate profits) before it sinks in that the game has changed.
It’s always the ones you’d most expect.
If he were to fire them, then that would mean that his hand-picked team fucked up, and that he erred in selecting them for their posts. If there is one thing a narcissist cannot do is admit that they are wrong.