He lied. He’s always been man enough to lie but a coward never to take responsibility for his lies.
He lied. He’s always been man enough to lie but a coward never to take responsibility for his lies.
That’s enough reason, and inspiration, to organize and execute civil, or uncivil, disobedience, by any means necessary.
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Break down the fences, break down the walls.
Chase these traitors down all of the halls.
Round them up quick, as quick as a wink.
And at noon, the hang 'em high time, let justice ring.
For every deed done, a reckoning’s due.
Restore the balance, the world made anew.
Break down the fences, break down the chains.
Only from justice will hope remain.
The fuck your feelings people can get their feelings fucked. Get away with those crocodile tears.
Donald Trump.
Enshittifying America, EO by EO.
It needs a M80. Just to be sure it’s cleared.
There goes any school plays with animal characters
I’ll bet still safer than yellow, brown or black
Nah, he and Putin are 69 bros now
If ICE can’t find enough illegals to sate his bloodlust, what’s he gonna do? He’s going to round up not-whites and deport them; everyone not-white will be considered guilty till proven innocent.
2A supporters are just a bunch of cucks and cowards. They just want their guns to “Ali Wong” themselves and not protect anything.
Agreed. I blame those who voted them into power and I blame those who haven’t taken out the garbage, by any means necessary.
MassResistance: sounds like a Grindr WhatsApp group.
Scalping restaurant reservations. Why is America filled with BS like this???
Can’t go cause no reservations, eat at home or Applebee’s. Once the restaurants start having empty tables with zero availability, they’ll start policing this themselves.
Denmark’s PM should slap slap challenge this idiot to a duel at dawn. Her normal-sized hands would be to grip the pistol better and actually raise it to aim.
Well no one expects a Russian sleeper agent
Still loses to a car that doesn’t have pay-to-play.
Just rename himself to Kevin Tate and claim to be a relative to the Tates. I’m sure Uncle Don will send out a SEAL team to the rescue.