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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2024


  • Yikes. You know, vegans are targeted by the extremely wealthy & powerful meat & dairy industries who spend untold fortunes making the vegan lifestyle look as unappealing and “crazy” as possible?

    I mean, I’m sure you’re galaxy brain is impervious to propaganda and everything, I’m just saying, you’re painting with an awfully broad brush.

  • I appreciate the point you’re trying to make but if you look into it, our meat habit is far and away one of, if not the, biggest climate challenges we face. We cannot continue consuming meat at our current pace and curb global warming, it’s that simple. And while my initial post is extremely judgemental, I really just wish people would start paying attention to how much meat they eat. Is it really necessary? Really? Every meal? Considering the resources meat requires to harvest, I don’t think so, but, sure, harp on my clothes, bro/broette.