
Infosec professional since the Black-Eyed Peas were popular. Does knitting, loves Kdramas. My politival views do not reflect those of my employer, who I will not disclose.

I don’t believe in PEBCAK, I believe in designing better for users.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • That’s a good question. First it’s important to understand that hash functions for pirated games or other programs are actually different from hash functions used to detect media like pictures, movies, and sound recordings.

    If you alter a piece of code or text from the original version the hashes will no longer match, but typically those hashes should match and some kind of alarm gets tripped if they don’t.

    With media files like music, movies, or pictures, it works the other way around. Detection tools are looking for something that is not necessarily an exact match, but a very close match, and when such a match is found, alarms get tripped (because it’s CSAM, or a copyright violation, or something like that).

    As to the techniques you mentioned for concealing a pirated game in a ZIP file with a bunch of junk TXT files, that’s not going to work. The reason it doesn’t work is that if you ZIP something, all that uses compression algorithms that change the contents of the ZIP file in predictable repeating patterns. It’s easy to detect and compensate for. Now, if you use your ZIP/compression tool to actually encrypt the file with a good algorithm and a strong password, that’s different, but then you don’t need to pack it with junk. (And distributing the password securely will be a problem.)

    Please, people who know more about hashing and media detection with hashing, let me know if I got something wrong, I probably did.

  • It would have worked and it would have protected privacy but most people don’t understand the difference between having a hash of known CSAM on your phone and having actual CSAM on your phone for comparison purposes and it freaked people out.

    I understand the difference and I’m still uncomfortable with it, not because of the proximity to CSAM but because I don’t like the precedent of anyone scanning my encrypted messages. Give them an inch, etc.