More! MOOOORE!!!
Wow Roberts still does have a little bit of his spine left and managed to find it? Or is this just a platitude and he’ll continue to enable the fascist?
Because it’s seen as violence to do anything that negatively impacts the wealthy despite their daily economic violence against everyone else in society. This is why they call the Tesla boycott “illegal”.
People who use tabs are monsters
They should have supported the call for a general strike
Here in America, the criminals run the country
“Enlightened” centrists are just extreme contrarians.
Yes. It’s always projection with these Social Dominance Orientation types of people because all of society is a net-zero-sum equation where cooperation cannot lead to the creation of anything greater than the sum of the parts, and competition is the only legitimate social strategy which makes our entire existence utilitarian and transactional.
So they plan to do to others every frightening thing they can imagine others wanting to do to them, all out of a hallucinated need for self defense from people who don’t actually want to do those things.