24 episode schedule was really brutal on cast and crew. It was crazy long hours and took up their whole life.
24 episode schedule was really brutal on cast and crew. It was crazy long hours and took up their whole life.
Still need lots of fuel for vehicles and military vehicles in particular.
It’s better than burning down the Amazon to grow food for the cow, but then that only works if you only have as many cows as natural grassland supports.
If the copyrighted content is so useful, then they can pay for it.
Leaning isn’t the same thing as voting.
Low income students are eligible for pell grants, which is enough to pay for community college completely.
No, the Irish war of independence was 1916-1920 and was mostly fighting with guns. The car bombs was much later during the troubles and was about northern Ireland.
It’s mostly to try and say that ugly people aren’t bad people, because there’s a natural human instinct to be drawn to pretty people with symmetrical faces. That’s why it’s a simple message for children. As OP said, with experience you learn more and you can draw your own conclusions.
Honestly some people like sucking corporate dick, I say let them. If they’re small cities it’s fine, more housing is what’s needed. That just relieves tension on housing and lowers the price for everyone.
Scrip, no t, but there are positive pro community versions of this where cities use their own as a way of circulating money within the local economy.
It will be the largest number though. They’re the only ones that are bothering to do such a low orbit, because that gives you lower latency but means you have to have a lot more in orbit for the same coverage and they don’t last as long before the orbit decays. They can do that because the launches are basically free
The current amount is only about a third of the total planned amount.
The bad photos are just because of the wiki license requirements, it’s why there are a lot of military photos on Wikipedia because they’re all public domain by default.
The shire was founded under the rule of the king of arnor, as a semi independent shire. So aragorn was technically king of the shire.
No, isildurs nephew led the line of kings in gondor for two thousand years before the plague and civil war weakened gondor and it ended when the witch king nazgul killed the last king of gondor.
Oneweb is medium altitude unlike starlink which is low altitude, so you don’t need as many. It doesn’t have as much capability but it’s fine. But when starship is operational there will be plenty of capacity to launch a lot more sats and get more capacity.
Yeah, if you are comparing the house you bought in 1980 for 10k dollars and say you pay 5k in tax every three years, using 2025 dollars then that is totally useless as a statement.
Text has always been insecure. An authenticator app is better.
The tariffs haven’t actually gone through so there’s still people that think he’s just threatening them to get a better deal. They don’t know he’s just stupid as hell and will put the tariffs in and they will cause a recession or depression.